2021 Day 269
2021 Dedh Dew Cans Trei Ügens ha Naw
De Sül, wheffes warn ügens mis Gwedngala
Sunday, 26th September
Otta flourys idhyow! Leun ew an keow anodhans, pals en nectar ha podn flourys rag an gwenen. Mons ow tynya gohy ha kelyon ewedh. Ma dhebm camera gweythresek. Nag ewa nowydh, ownys ew ow hamera coth, moy po le. Lebmyn, ma whans dhe'n flehes y ûsya rag kemeres fotos aga honan. Etho, ma dhebm crogen bulhorn (an flehes a gar bulhornes) war vos goth ha gor-redenen vrâs. E veu lies fôtô a'n dor ha cloudys, ewedh!
Behold ivy flowers! The hedges are full of them, abundant in nectar and pollen for the bees. They attract wasps and flies, too. I have a functional camera. It's not new, my old camera is mended, more or less. Now, the children want to use it for taking photos themselves. So, I have a snail shell (the children love snails) on an old wall and a big male fern. There were lots of photos of the ground and clouds, too.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bulhorn ~ buljig (m) snail
crogen (f) shell
dynya to attract, tempt, entice
gohy ~ gohies wasps > gohien (f)
gor-redenen (f) male fern
gweythresek functional
kelyon flies
ownys mended, fixed, repaired
pals abundant, plentiful
podn flourys pollen
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