2021 Day 298
2021 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Etek
De Lün, pempes warn ügens mis Hedra
Monday, 25th October
Hedhyw, ev a veu an jedh rag dierbydna enevales e'n kig. My a wrüg daskelwel ow descans Zoom De Lün, rag hedna na wrüga vy gweles pobel furvwir veth. Terweythyow an edhyn a dheuth re nes rag confort! Na ell anjei bos ragleverys. Da ew ganjans nectar en cuppys bian. Pur lôwen o an flehes gans pup tra - an sarf vrâs dres ehen. Na wrüssons kemeres own. Ha nag o crehyn kenis re üthyk.
Today, it was the day for encountering animals in the flesh. I cancelled my Monday Zoom lesson, so I saw no virtual people. Sometimes the birds came too close for comfort! They are unpredictable. They like nectar in little cups. The children were happy with everything - especially the big snake. They were not afraid. And spider skins were not too frightful.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
confort (m) comfort
daskelwel to call off, cancel < gelwel to call
descans (m) lesson, learning
dierbydna to encounter
dres ehen especially, particularly
enevales animals (can also use bestes)
e'n kig in the flesh
furvwir virtual
nes near, close
ragleverel to predict > (verbal adjective) ragleverys
sarf (f) snake, serpent
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