2021 Day 299

 2021 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Nawnjek

De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Hedra

Tuesday, 26th October

Da ew genam Paradise Park en Heyl. Treveglos pur goth ew hodna - pur storek. Teylû Harvey o perhednyon rych teudhva-horn. En mil eth cans trei ügens ha wonan, anjei a vyldyas chei brâs en lowarth dhodho vosow and park. Whath ma'n chei brâs òbma (saw nag ewa egor dhe omweloryon). Ha'n vosow lowarth ell bos gwelys. Lebmyn, ma cuntelyans a edhyn marthys ha bestes erel. Ma'n vosow ow rei goskeus dhe'n cawellow edhyn. Ma bestes heudh en kewyow bian - whei ell maga an gever. Ha ma vûys teg a'n pow adro ha'n logh dhort an kewyow.

I like Paradise Park in Hayle. That's a very old churchtown - very historic. The Harvey family were rich owners of an iron foundry. In 1861, they built a big house in a big walled garden and park. The house is still here (but it is not open to visitors). And the garden walls can be seen. Now there is a collection of fabulous birds and other animals. The walls give shelter to the aviaries. There are friendly animals in paddocks - you can feed the goats. And there are lovely views of the surrounding countryside and the estuary from the paddocks.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

byldya to build

cawellow edhyn bird cages, aviaries < cawel edhen

dhodho vosow walled, having walls

cuntelyans (m) collection

heyl (m) saltings, mud flat

marthys fabulous, wonderful

omweloryon visitors, sight-seers

perhednyon owners < perhen (m)

storek historic, historical

teudhva-horn (f) iron foundry

treveglos (f) churchtown



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