2021 Day 300
De Merher, seythves warn ügens mis Hedra
Wednesday, 27th October
Ma gwav ow tos. Nag ew an gewer gwavek hedhyw, bes gelwys o nei solabres rag agan brehyans warbedn an flou gwav. Ew agan medhegva e'n gwelha telher - reb an treth? Ma bush brâs a düs war an treth - thew hanter tremmîs. Nessa seythen, an strêtys ha'n treth a vedh gwag arta. Nag ew an mordarth vas rag surfya hedhyw - garow ha strolek ew drefen bos an gwens cabm. Perfydh ew an treth rag an scol marhogieth. Da ew gen mergh ha marrogyon bos reb an mor. Tüs whel a res lavürya. E veu othom dhodhons a owna 'gan bôwnder. De, anjei a's palas emann dhe settya pib nowydh et hy thelher. Ottòbma an pib, parys rag an gwav. A vedh hebma diwedh a liva en pub hager awel?
Winter is coming. The weather is not wintry today, but we are already invited for our vaccination against the winter flu. Is our doctors' surgery in the best place - by the beach? There's a crowd of people on the beach - it's half term. Next week, the streets and the beach will be empty again. The surf is no good for surfing today - it's rough and messy because the wind is wrong. The sand is perfect for the school of horsemanship. Horses and riders like being by the sea. Workmen must work. They needed to mend our lane. Yesterday, they dug it up to install a new pipe. Here's the pipe, ready for the winter. Will this be an end of flooding in every storm?
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
brehyans (m) vaccination
bush brâs a a crowd of
flou (m) influenza, flu
gelwel to call, summon, invite
marhogieth (f) horsemanship
marrogyon riders < marrak ~ marrek (m)
medhegva (f) surgery
mergh horses < margh (m)
tremmîs (m) term (academic)
warbedn ~ warbydn against
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