2021 Day 328
2021 Dedh Trei Hans Eth warn Ügens
De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Dû
Wednesday, 24th November
Mall ew gen lies flogh cawas calander Adhwen rag mis Kevardhû. Bes pandr'ew Adhwen? En eglosyow e'n west ma va ow tallath war an pajwora (peswara) Sül ken Nadelik. Henn'ew an Sül nessa dhe Dhegol Sen Androw (degves warn ügens mis Dû). Ma Calander Adhwen ow tallath, pup pres, kensa mis Kevardhû. En Eglosyow Owngryjyk ha Catholyk a'n Est, thew Adhwen termyn a sconyans ha penans, dogens dedh ken Du Nadelik. Thewa henwys "Sconyans an Nadelik". Ma'n gryjygyon ow sevel ort debry kig, pesk, ascor lethek, oyow, oyl ha gwin, tredh terry an jedh ha tolalolla. Mons ow pedery adro dhe'n devedhyans Jesus Crist, Mab Duw, e'n kig (ha'n Second Devedhyans). Vas ew rag corf ha sperys. Ges ew calander Adhwen mars eus choclat po gwin etto - nag ew hedna sconyans! Hag ascor tecter?
Lots of children look forward to getting an Advent calendar for December. But what is Advent? In western churches it begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. That is the Sunday closest to St Andrew's Day (30th November). An Advent calendar always starts on 1st December. In Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches, Avent is a time of abstinence and penance, forty days before Christmas Day. It is called the Nativity Fast. The believers go without meat, fish, dairy produce, eggs, oil and wine, between dawn and dusk. They are thinking about the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the flesh (and the Second Coming). It is good for body and spirit. An Advent calendar is a mockery of this if it contains chocolate or wine - that's not abstinence! And beauty products?
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
Adhwen Advent
a'n est eastern
bos mall gen to look forward to, to be keen to
cryjygyon believers < cryjyk ~ cryssyk (m)
Du Nadelik Christmas Day (Du is used for special days)
eglosyow churches < eglos (f)
owngryjyk ~ owngrysyk orthodox
penas ~ penans (m) penance
sconyans (m) abstinence, a fast
sevel ort to go without, forgo
terry an jedh (m) dawn
tolalolla (m) dusk
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