2021 Day 331
2021 Dedh Trei Hans Üdnek warn Ügens
De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Dû
Saturday, 27th November
Ass o brâs an gwens e'n nos! E'n jedh, ma whath gwens crev a-dhia'n Noor. Gwens Arctyk ew yeyn ha tydn. Ma todnow brâs ha ma mir a ergh dhe'n scroff. Gwens crev ell movya taclow poos. My a glowas an nowodhow war an radyo. Ma lies gwedhen codhys war vorrow. Kellys ew an provians tredan gen meur a bobel. Kellys ew gen agan kentrevogyon aga fellgowser ha'n gwias. Branch a godhas war aga crow ha hedna a dhros aga linen fôn dhe'n dor. Agan linen ew dien, en üdn darn. Na whath, an trampolîn ew neppeth aral - ev a sòffras. Ma va en baywedhen ha cabmys ew üdn trig. Ev a aras bush bras a gesarednow dhe godha e'n vorr.
What a big wind there was in the night! In the day, there is still a strong wind from the North. An Arctic wind is cold and biting. There are big waves and the foam looks like snow. A strong wind can shift heavy things. I heard the news on the radio. There are lots of trees fallen on roads. Many people have lost the electricity supply. Our neighbours have lost their telephone and the internet. A branch fell on their shed and that brought their phone line down. Our line is intact, in one piece. However, the trampoline is something else - it has suffered. It is in a bay tree and one support is bent. It dropped a load of hailstones on its way.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
a-dhia'n Noor from the North, northerly
an Arctyk the Arctic
an gwias the internet, the web
cabmys ~ cabm bent
movya to move, shift
pellgowser (m) telephone (can also use fôn)
poos heavy, weighty
provians (m) supply, provision
sòffra to suffer
tydn biting, sharp
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