2022 Day 31
2022 Dedh Ü dnek warn Ü gens De L ü n, ü dnegves warn ü gens mis Genver Monday, 31 st January Hedhyw, my a welas an diwettha jorna a vis Genver. Na veu va pur govenek. E veu cuntellyans Rosweyth e'n mettin ha class Kernowek e'n dohajedh - bes ma caletter gen ow jynn amontya. Thewa an diwettha dedh a vledhen a'n loor. An vledhen tremenys o bledhen an ò jyon. Avorow a wra dallath bledhen a'n loor nowydh. Dallath nowydh da, mar pleg! Da via genam cawas jynn amontya owth obery der vaner vas. My a venja cawas lies deskybel nowydh rag agan tavas teg. Da via genam clappya moy a Gern ô wek gen t ü s moy. E vedh Seythen Clappya Kern ô wek en cres an vledhen. Res ew dhen bos parys. Today, I saw the last day of the month of January. It was not very memorable. There was a Rosweyth meeting in the morning and a Cornish class in the afternoon - but there is a problem with my computer. It is the last day of the lunar year. Last year was a year of the ox. Tomor...