2022 Day 31
2022 Dedh Üdnek warn Ügens
De Lün, üdnegves warn ügens mis Genver
Monday, 31st January
Hedhyw, my a welas an diwettha jorna a vis Genver. Na veu va pur govenek. E veu cuntellyans Rosweyth e'n mettin ha class Kernowek e'n dohajedh - bes ma caletter gen ow jynn amontya. Thewa an diwettha dedh a vledhen a'n loor. An vledhen tremenys o bledhen an òjyon. Avorow a wra dallath bledhen a'n loor nowydh. Dallath nowydh da, mar pleg! Da via genam cawas jynn amontya owth obery der vaner vas. My a venja cawas lies deskybel nowydh rag agan tavas teg. Da via genam clappya moy a Gernôwek gen tüs moy. E vedh Seythen Clappya Kernôwek en cres an vledhen. Res ew dhen bos parys.
Today, I saw the last day of the month of January. It was not very memorable. There was a Rosweyth meeting in the morning and a Cornish class in the afternoon - but there is a problem with my computer. It is the last day of the lunar year. Last year was a year of the ox. Tomorrow a new lunar year will begin. A good, new beginning, please! I would like to get a properly working computer. I'd like to have many new learners for our beautiful language. I'd like to speak more Cornish with more people. There will be a Speak Cornish Week in the middle of the year. We must be prepared.
Nebes geryow rag an jedh. Some words for the day.
deskybel (m) learner, student, disciple
dohajedh (m) afternoon
covenek memorable
cuntellyans (m) meeting
der vaner vas properly
diwettha last, final
jorna (m) day(time)
jynn amontya (m) computer
mettin (m) morning
òjon ~ òjyon (m) ox
parys prepared, ready
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