2022 Day 24

  2022 Dedh Pajar warn Ügens

De Lün, pajwora warn ügens mis Genver

Monday, 24th January


My a scrifas oll an jedh – whedhel en dew davas rag flehes. Otta tabm anodho. Martesen, aswonys ew an whedhel genowgh. Mesen a godhas war bedn (po lost) edhnik bian. Ev a vetyas gen nebes edhyn erel, ha war an diwedh anjei a vetyas gen lowarn (henwys Lostek-Plostek). Na veu aga destnans lôwen.

I wrote all day – a story in two languages for children. Here’s a bit of it. Perhaps, you are familiar with the story. An acorn fell on the head (or tail) of a little chick. He met several other birds, and in the end they met a fox (called Foxy-Loxy). Their destiny was not happy.


En termyn eus passyes

there was a little chick called Edhnik-Ledhnik.

One day he was in the woods and an acorn fell on his head.


Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.

My a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

Oh dear! The sky is falling.

I will run and tell the king.


On the way he met Yarik-Larik.

Lôwena dhis, a Edhnik-Ledhnik.

Rag fraga thesta ow pònya?

Hello, Chicken-Licken.

Why are you running?

Soweth! Ma’n ebòrn ow codha.

Res ew dhebm y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

Oh dear! The sky is falling.

I must tell the king.


My a vedn dos genes, dhana.

Nei a vedn pònya ha’y leverel dhe’n metêrn.

I will come with you, then.

We will run and tell the king.


So Chicken-Licken and Henny-Penny ran to tell the king that the sky was falling down.


Nebes geryow rag hedhyw Some words for today

aswonys ~ ajwonys familiar

destnans (m) destiny, fate

en termyn eus passyes once upon a time

lost (m) tail

lostek (m) one with a tail (nickname for a fox)

lowarn (m) fox

mesen (f) acorn

metêrn (m) king

pedn (m) head

war an diwedh in the end, finally


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