2022 Day 88

 2022 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth

De Meurth, nawves warn ügens mis Meurth
Tuesday, 29th March

Termyn my a veu mos, my a welas bran vrâs en Tour Loundres. Na wrüga vy gweles an edhen na e'n gwels. Nag eus bescath gweles briny brâs ow neyja. Ma briny brâs dhe nei en Kernow ogas dhe'n mor. Gwelys veu anjei agensow gen ow mergh ha'y howeth. Edhyn barthüjek ens. Da via genam aga gweles ow honan.

When I was a girl, I saw a raven in the Tower of London. I did not see that bird in the wild. I have never seen ravens flying. We have ravens in Cornwall near the sea. They were seen recently by my daughter and her friend. They are magnificent birds. I would like to see them myself.

Building up our Cornish language Part 18b

Cressya emann agan tavas Kernôwek Radn 18b

Here are some more sentences using

bos present-future tense = vedh

My a vedh lowen. I will be happy.
Chy (Ty) a vedh tew. You will be fat.
Ev a vedh crowsek. He will be cross.
Hei a vedh teg. She will be beautiful.
Nei a vedh Kernôwegoryon. We will be Cornish speakers.
Whei a vedh re skith (sqwith). You will be too tired.
Anjei a vedh a-varr. They will be early.
Hedna a vedh pur dha. That will be very good.
Hebma a vedh drog. This will be bad.
Jôwan a vedh da lowr. John will be OK.
An bara a vedh pebys da. The bread will be well baked.
E vedh gwens crev. There will be a strong wind.

In order to ask questions or make negative statements you will need to know more of the complete paradigm:

Present Future 

1 sg vedham, vedhama, vedha vy 

2 sg vedhes, vedhes ta 

3 sg vedh 

1 pl vedhen, vedha nei 

2 pl vedhowgh, vedhow, vedho whei

3 pl vedhons, vedh anjei 

Na vedh ergh e'n mettin. There will not be snow in the morning.
Na vedhama trist. I will not be sad.
A vedh mòna luck? Will there be enough money?
Eus mòna luck? Is there enough money?
A vedh mòna lowr dhe nei? Will we have enough money?
Ma mòna dhodho. He has money.
E vedh mòna dhodho. He will have money. (There will be money to him.)
A vedhes ta lôwen gen hedna? Will you be happy with that?
Na vedhons contentys gen tra veth. They will not be satisfied with anything.


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