
Showing posts from April, 2022

2022 Day 120

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Ügens De Sadorn, degves warn ügens mis Ebrel Saturday, 30th April Hedhyw thew an diwettha dedh a'n sec ò nd mis  gwenton. Thera nei e'n cres an sêson ha spladn ew an awel. Ma lies flour wheg. Radn anodhans ew sawrek. Bes nag ew hebma dhe les rag flehes. Ma whans dhodhans a wül moy es clowes an flourys! Flehes a venja marhoga gonhelhy. Da via ganjans revya en scath. Kerry bian ew da, ha slynkys, ha resow-a-dro. Today it's the last day of the second spring month. We are in the middle of the season and the weather is brilliant. There are many of sweet flowers. Some of them are aromatic. But this is not interesting for children. They want to do more than smell the flowers! Children would like to ride on a pony. They would like to row in a boat. Little cars are good, and slides, and roundabouts.  Nebes geryow rag hedhyw.  Several words for today clowes  to smell (or other senses) gonhelhy  (m)  pony kerry  cars...

2022 Day 119

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Nawnjek De Gwener, nawves warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 29th April Piw ew an den ma, e'n hevelep crev ma gen Linnell? Kernow a bris ha golys ew ev. Ev a veu genys e'n mis Ebrel e'n vledhen seytek cans trei ügens hag üdnek. Ev a verwas e'n mis Ebrel e'n vledhen etek cans terdhek warn ügens. Richard Trevithick ew ev. Y sira o capten balweyth ogas dhe Carn Bre. Thera aga chei en Tregajorran, tre vian teg. Trevithick o ynjydnor. Ev a dhesinyas jynn eth. Avorow ev a vedh golys en Cambron - gen lies jynn eth, ha gen mûsek ha dons. Ma'n den e'n hevelep ow poyntya dhe neppeth e'n pelder. Pandr'ew hedna? Ello whei gweles eth? Üjy va en Kernow po Kembra po Peru? Who is this man, in this strong portrait by Linnell? He is an important and celebrated Cornishman. He was born in the month of April in the year 1771. He died in the month of April in the year 1833. He is Richard Trevithick. His father was a mining captain near Carn Brea. Their ho...

2022 Day 118

  2022 Dedh Cans hag Etek De Yow, ethves warn ügens mis Ebrel Thursday, 28th April Na vadna vy clappya ow tòchya ow visyt dhe'n medhek dens! Et y le, my a venja descrifa ow vorr dhe'n savla buss. An howl a spladnas, saw an ebòrn a-ûgh an mor o loos, ha nag o an mor blou naneyl. Ma blou lowr e'n còsow, gen bleujyow a'n gog. Ma nebes flourys blou emesk flourys gwydn an kednin gwels (kednin trehornek) war drenewen an vorr. Ma flourys pecar'a cantollow brâs dhe'n gestenen marth ma. A vedh cronkyoryon veth en kidnyadh?  I will not speak regarding my visit to the dentist! Instead, I'd like to describe my way to the bus stop. The sun shone, but the sky above the sea was grey, and the sea wasn't blue either. There's plenty of blue in the woods, with bluebells. There are some blue flowers among white flowers of the wild garlic (three-cornered leek) on the roadside. There are flowers in trees. This horse chestnut has flowers like large candles. Wi...

2022 Day 117

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Seytek De Merher, seythves warn ügens mis Ebrel Wednesday, 27th April Solabres ma üdn seythen a-dhia cuntellyans ow bagas art. Pe le wrüg an termyn dos? Whei ell gweles pictours gen Theresa Shaw war linen hag en Pensans. Da ew genjy liwya Carrek Loos en Coos ha Syllan. Hei a lavaras dhen ow tòchya hy awen, awedhyansow ha peth ha daffar. Da ew genjy flourys ewedh. There's one week already since my art group meeting. Where did the time go? You can see pictures by Theresa Shaw on line and in Penzance. She likes painting St Michael's Mount and the Scillies. She told us about her inspiration, influences and materials. She likes flowers too. Geryow hedhyw.  Today's words awedhyansow  influences <  awedhyans  (m) awen  (f)  inspiration Carrek Loos en Coos  ( PN )  St Michael's Mount carrek  (f)  rock  SWFM  karrek coos  (m)  wood loos  grey peth ha...

2022 Day 116

   2022 Dedh Cans ha Whetek De Meurth, wheffes warn ügens mis Ebrel Tuesday 26th April Da ew gen flehes diwrosa. Terweythyow na ell anjei omberthy pur dha ha, awos hedna, ma othom dhodhans a rosow trenewen bian rag aga scodhya. Whath ma antel a godha, ha rag hedna ma othom dhodhans a dhegy talhat.  Wòja  mantolly ma othom a lewya,  treylya a-drenewen ha mos a-dro en kelgh .   Children like cycling. Sometimes they can't balance very well and, therefore, they need small side wheels to support them. There's still a risk of falling, and therefore they need to wear a helmet. After balancing there's a need to steer, turn aside and go round in a circle. Geryow rag hedhyw.  Words for today a-drenewen  aside a-dro  around antel  (m)  risk, danger codha  to fall degy  to wear diwrosa  to cycle, bicycle kelhow  circles <  kelgh  (m)  SWFM  kylgh   lewa  to steer, drive  SWFM...

2022 Day 115

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Pemdhek De Lün, pempes warn ügens mis Ebrel Monday. 25th April Ew da genowgh gonis e'n lowarth? Pe daffar eus othom dhewgh? Rag palas ma othom a baler. Po nag eus jynn-palas dhewgh, ma othom a ûsya pal, rev po vorgh. Ma dor meynek dhewgh? Whei a venja gwaya nebes meyn bian war an enep? Gwrewgh ûsya crib dhe gribas an enep. Wòja gonis has ma othom a dhowrhe an dor. Martesen ma cadna dowrhe dhewgh. Terweythyow thew gwell dhe wonis has en pottow.    Do you like working in the garden? What equipment do you need? A digger is needed for digging. If you don't have a mechanical digger, you need to use a spade, shovel or fork. You have stony earth? You would like to move some small surface stones? Use a rake to comb the surface. After sowing seeds, the ground needs to be watered. Perhaps you have a watering can. Sometimes it is better to sow seeds in little pots. Bohes geryow ragowgh A few words for you    cadna ~ ca...

2022 Day 114

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Peswardhek De Sül, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel Sunday, 24th April Pur vesy o an jedh ma, ha leun a wharth. Nei a fittyas meur a voos. E veu kefewy pednbloodh dhe'n maw bian hedhyw. Etho, nebes flehes a dheuth rag gwariow ha dhe dhebry boos a'n degol. Thera afînansow, lien boos, scüdelow ha hanathow gen dinosâwrys warnodhans, ha hattys ewedh. E veu caletter gen scrifa compòster (an baners a veu gwres en China!). E veu caletter gans an desen (an afînansow a wrüg anowy!). An flehes a dhabras re a shuger ha nena pònya ha lebmel dh'y lesky (na wrüg anjei anowy). This day was very busy and full of laughter. We prepared a lot of food. The little boy had a birthday party today. So, several children came for games and to eat festive food. There were decorations, a table cloth, plate and beakers with dinosaurs on them, and hats too. There was a problem with the spelling (the flags were made in China!). There was a problem with the cake ...

2022 Day 113

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Terdhek De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Ebrel Saturday, 23rd April Pandr'üjy flehes ow kil e'n degolyow? Da ew gans ow flehes wydn crambla war an vos lowarth. Nag üjy anjei cawas own a godha, tabm veth. Da ew ganjans whilas bestes bian, bulhornes en arbednek. Ew hebma milva bulhornes po bargen tir bulhornes? Ma hanow dhe geniver bulhorn. Ma carrygy, prei, predn ha losow. A wra an bulhornes dürya? What do children do in the holidays? My grandchildren like climbing on the garden wall. They are not afraid of falling, not at all. They like looking for little animals, especially snails. Is this a snail zoo or a snail farm? Every snail has a name. There are rocks, mud, wood and plants. Will the snails last?

2022 Day 112

  2022 Dedh Cans ha Dewdhek De Gwener, nessa warn ügens mis Ebrel Friday, 22nd April Norves lowen. Res ew dhen onora an eyl y gila ha gwitha agan Mabm Norves. Fatel ellen nei gwitha an Norves dhort agan hònan? Nei ell lehe, ûsya arta,  dasûsya ha naha. Fatel lehe? Martesen, na wrewgh vajya mar bell po mar venowgh. Fatel ûsya arta? Martesen, gwrewgh degy agas côta coth arta nessa bledhen. Fatel dasûsya? Martesen, gwil kistednow nowydh dhort kistednow coth. Fatel naha? Gwrewgh sevel ort ûsya oyl ha glow - gwrewgh aga gara e'n dor. Ma meur dhe witha. Happy Earth day. We must respect one another and protect our Mother Earth. How can we protect the Earth from ourselves? We can reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse. How to reduce? Perhaps, do not travel so far or so often. How to reuse? Perhaps, wear your old coat again next year. How to recycle? Perhaps, make new boxes from old boxes. How to refuse? Perhaps, stop using oil and coal - leave them in the ground. There ...