2022 Day 112
2022 Dedh Cans ha Dewdhek
De Gwener, nessa warn ügens mis Ebrel
Friday, 22nd April
Friday, 22nd April
Norves lowen. Res ew dhen onora an eyl y gila ha gwitha agan Mabm Norves. Fatel ellen nei gwitha an Norves dhort agan hònan? Nei ell lehe, ûsya arta, dasûsya ha naha. Fatel lehe? Martesen, na wrewgh vajya mar bell po mar venowgh. Fatel ûsya arta? Martesen, gwrewgh degy agas côta coth arta nessa bledhen. Fatel dasûsya? Martesen, gwil kistednow nowydh dhort kistednow coth. Fatel naha? Gwrewgh sevel ort ûsya oyl ha glow - gwrewgh aga gara e'n dor. Ma meur dhe witha.
Happy Earth day. We must respect one another and protect our Mother Earth. How can we protect the Earth from ourselves? We can reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse. How to reduce? Perhaps, do not travel so far or so often. How to reuse? Perhaps, wear your old coat again next year. How to recycle? Perhaps, make new boxes from old boxes. How to refuse? Perhaps, stop using oil and coal - leave them in the ground. There is much to protect
Nebes geryow rag hedhyw. Several words for today.
an eyl y gila one another
côta (m) coat
dasûsya to use again, reuse, recycle
degy to wear
gara to leave (SWFM gasa)
glow (collective) coal
gwitha to keep, protect
kisten (f) box, carton, etc.
lehe to lessen, reduce
menowgh often, frequent(ly)
naha to negate, deny, refuse
onora to honour, respect (SWFM enora)
oyl (m) oil
pell far
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