2022 Day 114
2022 Dedh Cans ha Peswardhek
De Sül, pajwora warn ügens mis Ebrel
Sunday, 24th April
Pur vesy o an jedh ma, ha leun a wharth. Nei a fittyas meur a voos. E veu kefewy pednbloodh dhe'n maw bian hedhyw. Etho, nebes flehes a dheuth rag gwariow ha dhe dhebry boos a'n degol. Thera afînansow, lien boos, scüdelow ha hanathow gen dinosâwrys warnodhans, ha hattys ewedh. E veu caletter gen scrifa compòster (an baners a veu gwres en China!). E veu caletter gans an desen (an afînansow a wrüg anowy!). An flehes a dhabras re a shuger ha nena pònya ha lebmel dh'y lesky (na wrüg anjei anowy).
This day was very busy and full of laughter. We prepared a lot of food. The little boy had a birthday party today. So, several children came for games and to eat festive food. There were decorations, a table cloth, plate and beakers with dinosaurs on them, and hats too. There was a problem with the spelling (the flags were made in China!). There was a problem with the cake (the decorations ignited!). The children ate too much sugar then ran and jumped to burn it off (they did not ignite).
Nebes geryow rag hedhyw. Some words for today.
afînans (m) decoration
anowy to ignite (SWFM enowy)
a'n degol festive
baner (m) flag, banner
fittya boos to prepare food, cook
hanath (m) mug, beaker
kefewy (m) party
lesky to burn
lien boos (m) table cloth
scüdel (f) plate, dish
wharth (m) laughter
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