2022 Day 204
2022 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pajar
De Sadorn, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefen
Saturday, 23rd July
Ew da genowgh neyja? Ew da genowgh neyja en dowr glan ha saw? En gwettha pres, nag ew oll an dowr en Kernow glan ha saw. Whei alja gweles gwarnyansow en lies telher. "Na wrewgh neyja en poll prei mes a ûs." An dowr ell bos pur yeyn ha whei alja merwel dhort jagg yeyn. Mars eus whel en poll prei, e alja bos jynnys poos. "Gwrewgh neyja tredh an dhew vaner rüdh ha melyn." Martesen, ma todnow brâs po frosow laber dh'agas degy a-les en teleryow erel. Meur a bobel a wrüg beudhy en mor, lagednow, ryvars, gwerdhourow, creunyow ha pollow prei. Diantel ewa, ewedh, mars nag ew an dowr glan. Gòlhyon ha bystyon ell mostya trethow ha dowrow. Hedna ell gwil dhewgh dhe vos clav. Bes ple ma pollen düs an moyha nes?
Do you like swimming? Do so like swimming in clean, safe water? Unfortunately, not all of the water in Cornwall is clean and safe. You could see warnings in many places. "Do not swim in a disused claypit." The water can be very cold and you could die from cold shock. If there is work in a claypit, there could be heavy machinery. "Swim between the two red and yellow flags." Perhaps, there are big waves or rip currents to carry you away in other places. Many people have drowned in sea, lakes, rivers, canals, reservoirs, claypits. It is dangerous, too, if the water is not clean. Waste water and sewage can pollute beaches and rivers. That can make you sick. But where is the nearest public swimming pool?
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