
Showing posts from October, 2022

2022 Day 304

  2022 Dedh Tre Hans ha Pajar De Lün, üdnegves warn ügens mis Hedra. Monday, 31st October E'n bledhydnyow trei ügens ha deg thera dhebm jynn-snod ha my a bernas recordyans war snod gen Brenda Wootton ha John the Fish. An snod o henwys Pastys ha Dehen ha hedna o onan an canow etto. My a bernas an snod en shoppa bian e'n Peneglos Truru. Gellys nanj ew termyn hir ew an snod ha'n jynn-snod, bes my a gavas an recordyans war linen. Whei ell gosowes orto gen Covscrif Mûsek Nacyonal Kernow. Ma dhodhans an dyllans orijinal a'n  mûsek scrifys ewedh. Nag o bes trei dinar nanj ew cans bledhen! In the seventies I had a tape-recorder and I bought a tape recording by Brenda Wootton and John the Fish. The tape was called Pasties and Cream and that was one of the songs in it. I bought the tape in a little shop in Truro Cathedral. The tape and the tape-recorder are long gone, but I found the recording on-line. You can listen to it with the Cornwall National Music Archive. Th...

2022 Day 303

   2022 Dedh Trei Hans ha Trei De Sül, degves warn ügens mis Hedra Sunday, 30th October My a gar gwedh. Marthys ens. Anjei ell bewa termyn hir, martesen lies cansbledhen. Anjei ell tevy pur vrâs ha ûhel en natûr. Po nei alja aga gonis pur vian en pottys avel "Bonsai" (ger Japanek). Aga formys ell bos còmpes po pecar'a fantasy. Ha anjei ell bewa en teleryow astranj.  I love trees. They are wonderful. They can live a long time, perhaps many centuries. They can grow very big and tall in nature. Or we could grow them very small in pots as "Bonsai" (a Japanese word). Their shapes can be neat or like a fantasy. And they can live in strange places.

2022 Day 302

  2022 Dedh Trei Hans ha Dew De Sadorn, nawes warn ügens mis Hedra Saturday, 29th October  Relevys o vy! My a ell anella arta. Kevys ew genam an camera pòrresys - en pocket cercôt. Nag ewa kellys na velha. Rag fra na wrüga vy whilas ena kens lebmyn? Gellys ew dew gei ha dew flogh wydn ha nei alja mos kerdhes gen an maw bian (pajar bloodh). Da ew ganjo kemeres fotos gen ow hamera.  (Brâssa radn anodhans ew dileys moy  diwedhes  gena vy!) Hengok gen cota  rüdh  e'n pelder, ow mos mes a wel, nag ew drog. Na ell ow gour kemeres foto heb trehy mes radn ow fedn.    I am relieved! I can breathe again. I have found the essential camera - in a jacket pocket. It is no longer lost. Why didn't I search there before? Two dogs and two grandchildren have gone and we could go walking with the remaining little boy (four years old). He likes taking photos with my camera.  (Most of them are deleted later by me!) Great-grandfather with a...

2022 Day 301

2022 Dedh Trei Hans hag Onan De Gwener, ethves warn ügens mis Hedra Friday, 28th October Pandra wher dhebm? Na vedn ow flehes wydn gorwedha! Pandra dhe wil? Pandra ell bos gwres anodho? My re ros con dhodhans, rag hedna nag eus nown dhodhans. Pandra aljama gwil moy? Pandra whath? E'n gwelha pres, thew de Sadorn avorow ha nag eus othom dhen a sevel emann e'n mettin a-bres. Nena anjei ell mos tre dh'aga herens! What is troubling me? My grandchildren won't go to sleep! What to do? What can be done about it? I have given them supper, so they are not hungry. What more could I do? What else? Fortunately, it is Saturday tomorrow and we do not need to get up early tomorrow morning. Then they can go home to their parents!  

2022 Day 300

  2022 Dedh Trei Hans De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Hedra Thursday, 27th October Ew da genowgh mos dhe'n treth? Ero whei ow cuntel gòbmon? Ew da genowgh debry an gòbmon na? Lies ehen ell bos debrys, my a breder. (An dowr a dal bos glan!) Ma company en Kernow ow qwertha gòbmon avel losow debry an mor po salat an mor. Otta gòbmon rüdh - hedna ell bos gwerthys segh. Whei alja y berna pilys ha kemyskys gen holan Kernow Do you like going to the beach? Do you collect seaweed? Do you like eating that seaweed? Many species can be eaten, I think. (The water ought to be clean!) There is a company in Cornwall selling seaweed as sea vegetables or sea salad. Here's a red seaweed - that can be sold dried. You could buy it flaked and mixed with Cornish salt.

2022 Day 299

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Nawnjek De Merher, wheffes warn ügens mis Hedra Wednesday, 26th October Hanter tremmîs ew lebmyn ha gorlesys ew agan chei ha lowarth gen flehes wydn ha keun! Skith o vy ha nag eus nerth dhebm dhe scrifa lies ger! Pelha avel hedna, ma kellys genam an camera ha nag ew ownys agan linen fôn. Nos da. It's half-term now and our house and garden are over-run with grandchildren and dogs! I am tired and I don't have enough energy to write many words! Additionally, I have lost the camera and our phone line is not fixed. Good night.

2022 Day 298

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Etek De Meurth, pempes warn ügens mis Hedra Tuesday, 25th October Mar veur froth! Dew Gensa Menyster en üdn jedh, an tryja Kensa Menyster en seyth seythen - perfydh raga nei dhe bractisya agan niverow! Ma lavar coth - ma naw bownans dhe geniver cath. Larry, an gath en Strêt Downing, a wor y niverow. Ev a vetyas gen pemp Kensa Menyster en le es seyth bledhen. Ha difygyans en radn an howl e'n mettin - na wrüga vy y weles drefen bos re gomolek. Res ew dhebm gòrtos teyr bledhen po nebes rag an nessa. So much excitement! Two Prime Ministers in one day, the third Prime Minister in seven weeks - perfect for us to rehearse our numbers! There's an old saying - every cat has nine lives. Larry, the cat in Downing Street, knows his numbers. He has met five Prime Ministers in less than seven years. And a partial eclipse of the sun in the morning - I didn't see it because it was too cloudy. I must wait ne...

2022 Day 297

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seytek De L ün , pajwora warn  ü gens mis Hedra Monday, 24 th  October Well, ma dhen üdn Kensa Menyster moy! Ha whath nag eus dhebm linen f ô n (na venjama y elwel “pellgowser”). Ma dhebm dornf ô n (clappkodh) bes gwell ew genam  û sya linen dir. Caletter vy ew bian bes caletterow Rishi Sunak a vedh br â s. De Meurth, ev a wra metya gen Met ê rn Charles III. Mester Sunak a warnyas a'n challenj economyk down en-rag. Bes na vedn nei cawas trohow arhanjek rag servisys poblek. Well, we have one more Prime Minister! And still I don't have a phone line (I wouldn't call it a “far speaker”). I have a mobile phone but I prefer to use a land line. My problem is small but Rishi Sunak's problems will be big. On Tuesday, he will meet with King Charles III. Mr Sunak warned of the profound economic challenge ahead. But we do not want to have financial cuts for public services.

2022 Day 296

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Whetek De S ü l, tryja warn  ü gens mis Hedra Sunday, 23rd October Ma taclow ow ch â njya. En governans, üdn Kensa Menyster ew gellys ha na  wòra  nei piw a vedh an nessa Kensa Menyster. E'n gewer, hav ew gellys ha devedhys ew kidnyadh, gen gwens ha glaw. E'n gwedh, ma'n liwyow ow treylya ha ma'n del ow codha. (Ma ergh ow codha en Montana.) E'n eb ò rn, ma'n constellacyons ow mos rag. De a veu an diwettha dedh a'n Vantol ha hedhyw thew an kensa dedh a'n Scorpyon. Ma nebes tüs ow crejy dr'alja hedna gwil deffrans. My ow h ò nan, ma esperans dhebm d'wra taclow gwelhe. Things are changing. In government, one Prime Minister has gone and we don't know who will be the next Prime Minister. In the weather, summer has gone and autumn has arrived, with wind and rain. In the trees, the colours are changing and the leaves are falling. (There is snow falling in Montana.) In the sky, the constellations are moving on. Yes...

2022 Day 295

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Pemdhek De Sadorn, nessa warn ügens mis Hedra Saturday, 22nd October Ma othom dhen a herl gweder nowydh! Nag üjy agan neujen gober coth owth obery pur dha. Calish ewa dhe fônya, mires orth tele po mos war linen. Bettegens, leun a esperans oma rag hebma! We need new glass fibre! Our old copper wire doesn't work very well. It is hard to phone, watch TV or go on line. However, I am hopeful for this!

2022 Day 294

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Peswardhek De Gwener, kensa warn ügens mis Hedra Friday, 21st October O whei gellys skith gen politegieth? Po o whei grevys? Ma lies othom dhe Gernow ha nag üjy Westminster gwil lowr dhe 'gan gweres. Saw ma lies crefter (crevder) dhe Gernow. Prest o an bobel a Gernow abyl, pur ynjin ha diwysyk. Ma lies gallos ha devnydh dhe nei. Ma dhen gwens ha todnow. Terweythyow ma dhen howl ha glaw. Ma whath nebes mònyow ha tòbmder e'n dor. Gwrewgh nakevy viajorieth! Gwrewgh mires orth agan cultur ha creativita. Are you bored with politics? Or are you annoyed? Cornwall has many needs and Westminster is not doing enough to help us. But Cornwall has many strengths. Cornish people were always able, very ingenious and hard-working. We have many talents and resources. We have wind and waves. Sometimes we have sun and rain. There are still some minerals and heat in the ground. Forget tourism! Look at our culture and creativity. Nebes geryow:  Some words abyl...

2022 Day 293

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar  Ügens  ha Terdhek De Yow, ügensves mis Hedra Thursday, 20 th  October Pandr'ew kellys? Well, en Loundres nag eus governans gweythresek dhe nei. Omdednys ew an Kensa Menyster ha ma Party an Mentenours ow mires a-dro dhe gawas onan nowydh. A wra anjei cravas gòles an balyer? E'n men termyn, ma tüs en Kernow heb chei. En Pensans, res ew dhe'n tour ûhel ma, a dhew radnjy warn ügens bos sqwachys – nag ewa da lowr rag hedhyw e'n jedh.  Venjow  whei perna an maner ma, ogas dhe Truru? Nag eus to dhodho, ke ma lowarth teg dhodho! Ha, whath, nag eus dowr lowr en creunyow. What's missing? Well, in London we do not have functional government. The Prime Minister has resigned and the Conservative Party is looking around to get a new one. Will they be scraping the bottom of the barrel? Meanwhile, there are people in Cornwall without a house. In Penzance, this tower, of 22 flats, must be demolished – it is not good enough for nowadays....

2022 Day 292

 2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Dewdhek De Merher, nawnjegves mis Hedra Wednesday, 19th October De, nag o an gewer pur dha - gwenjek ha gleb o hei. Thera caletter dhen gen fôn keffres ha'n Internet. Ma re a wedh en ogas dhe'n linen. Res ew dhebm scrifa hebma en üskis. An keth tra alja wharvos arta. Na vadnama chonsya ymach. Yesterday, the weather was not very good - it was windy and wet. We had trouble with the phone as well as the Internet. There are too many trees near the line. I must write this quickly. The same thing could happen again. I will not risk an image.

2022 Day 291

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek De Meurth, etegves mis Hedra Tuesday, 18 th October Ma nebes pednow-bloodh hedhyw. Ow mergh wydn a veu genys en Kernow nanj ew ü dnek bledhen. BBC, an Corforeth Darlesa Bretednek, a veu fondys nanj ew ü dn cans bledhen, en Loundres. Ew an BBC a bris dhe'm mergh wydn? Ma hei ow mires orth tele, en s ü r. Da ew genjy “Istoris Ithik” - wharthüs ha leun a dhescans. Saw ma lies company aral. Na veu prograbmow rag ow dama, termyn hei o yonk, na radyo na tele. Hy breder a wrüg framya radyo “blewen vin cath”. Termyn my veu yonk my a gosowes ort “Our Flehes” (pemp eur, pres te). Üdn chei et agan str ê t a gawas pellwolok bian (d û ha gwydn). Terweythyow my a welas “Muffin an Moyl”, skerrimouj gen kerdyn. Cottha o vy 'vel an Moyl. There are several anniversaries today. My granddaughter was born in Cornwall eleven years ago. BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, was founded one hundred years ago, in London. Is the BBC important to m...

2022 Day 290

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg De Lün, seytegves mis Hedra  Monday, 17th  October Keffres cosins ha cowetha, fatel ero whei ow salüjy tüs erel? Ma nebes ensamplys e'n textys coth. En "Bewnans Meriasek" nei ell trouvya "Heyl dhewgh ser arlòdh!" Martesen, nag ew hedna fitty e'n jedh hedhyw - na " Hayl pryns heb par" naneyl dhort "Bewnans Ke"!    Hag e'n Aweyl warlergh L û k"  nei ell redya "Hayl dhis, te voren faverys  brâs ." Bettegens, "Ha sos!" ew re  anformüs raga vy. My a vedn pejya gen "Lôwena dhis!" Both cousins and friends, how do you greet other people? There are several examples in the old texts. In "The Life of St Meriasek" we can find "Hail to you, sir lord!" Perhaps, that is not appropriate nowadays - neither is "Hail unequalled prince!" from "The Life of St Kea".  And in the "Gospel according to Luke" we can read "Hail to the...

2022 Day 289

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Naw De Sül, whetegves mis Hedra Sunday, 16th October Ma dedh rag hedna! My a viras orth rôl a Dedhyow Warneth Kenedhlek ha Keswlasek. Nag eus traveth hedhyw e'n Wlascor Ûnyes, bes nessa De Gwener e vedh Dedh Avalow.    There's a day for that! I looked at a list of National and International Awareness Days. There's nothing today in the United Kingdom, but next Friday there will be Apple Day. Gerva:  Vocabulary An Wlascor Ûnyes  The United Kingdom kenedhlek  national keswlasek  international rôl  (f)  list warneth  (f)  awareness

2022 Day 288

2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens hag Eth De Sadorn, pemdhegves mis Hedra  Saturday, 15th October Pana jorna spladn!  Newher (nyhewer)  res veu dhebm gwitha dew flogh wydn ha dew gei rag ow mergh. En mettin ma res veu dhebm  gòlhy  nebes lednow (droglam colyn!).  Wòja  hedna my a gerdhas bys e'n medhegva (trei mildir dei ha tre) rag dew brehlinans - vacsin flou et ow bregh gledh ha vacsin Covid et ow bregh dhyhow. Lebmyn skith o vy ha ma dhebm defra tydn (diw vregh dydn) ha diwarr galarek.   What a great day! Yesterday night I had to look after two grandchildren and two dogs for my daughter. This morning I had to wash some blankets (puppy accident!). After that I walked to the doctors' surgery (three miles there and back) for two vaccinations - flu vaccine in my left arm and Covid vaccine in my right arm. Now I am tired and have sore arms and aching legs! Gerva  Vocabulary bregh  (f)  arm brehlinans  (m)  vaccinatio...

2022 Day 287

  2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seyth De Gwener, pajardegves mis Hedra Friday, 14th October Glaw a wra hedhyw, saw whath nag eus dowr lowr e'n creunyow. Nei a dal bos sparüs gen agan ûs a dhowr. Nag eus dowr ow resek e'n gover ma. Nag eus bes plodn bian. Eus pedrevan cüdhys e'n prei? Bestes a res eva ha debry. An flour melyonen ma a veu debrys gen neptra. Delen a veu debrys ewedh. Eus prev del en ogas? Ma whath del war an gwedh, saw ma solabres buddys rag nessa gwenton. Otta nebes losyow on münys en colwedhen   It rains today, but still there isn't enough water in the reservoirs. We should be sparing with our use of water. There isn't any water flowing in this stream. There is only a small puddle. Is there a newt hidden in the mud? Animals must drink and eat. This violet flower was eaten by something. A leaf was eaten as well. Is there a caterpillar nearby? There are still leaves on the trees, but there are already buds for next spring. Here a...