2022 Day 287

 2022 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Seyth

De Gwener, pajardegves mis Hedra

Friday, 14th October

Glaw a wra hedhyw, saw whath nag eus dowr lowr e'n creunyow. Nei a dal bos sparüs gen agan ûs a dhowr. Nag eus dowr ow resek e'n gover ma. Nag eus bes plodn bian. Eus pedrevan cüdhys e'n prei? Bestes a res eva ha debry. An flour melyonen ma a veu debrys gen neptra. Delen a veu debrys ewedh. Eus prev del en ogas? Ma whath del war an gwedh, saw ma solabres buddys rag nessa gwenton. Otta nebes losyow on münys en colwedhen  

It rains today, but still there isn't enough water in the reservoirs. We should be sparing with our use of water. There isn't any water flowing in this stream. There is only a small puddle. Is there a newt hidden in the mud? Animals must drink and eat. This violet flower was eaten by something. A leaf was eaten as well. Is there a caterpillar nearby? There are still leaves on the trees, but there are already buds for next spring. Here are some tiny catkins in a hazel tree.

Gerva Vocabulary

colwedhen (f) hazel tree 

creun (m) reservoir

cüdhys hidden

debrys eaten < (verb) debry

delen (f) leaf < del (collective) 

eva to drink

gover (m) stream

lôst on (m) catkin, lamb's tail

melyonen (f) violet

plodn (m) puddle

prev del (m) caterpillar (leaf worm)

resek to flow, run, race

sparüs sparing

ûs (m) use


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