2022 Day 329

 2022 Dedh Trei Hans ha Naw warn Ügens

De Gwener, pempes warn ügens mis Dû

Friday, 25th November

A venja whei gwil tesen po oyow scurrys po crampeth? Ma othom dhewgh a oyow. Bes ma fowt a oyow en nebes shoppas. Ma stylednow gwag en gorvarhasow. Rag fra? Ma lies yar war lies bargen tir. Bes ma'n cost a voos rag an edhyn ow cressya ha nag eus mòna luck dhe'n diogow. Nag eus pêmet lowr dhort an gorvarhasow. Ma'n gorvarhasow ow cül  prow saw ma'n tiogow ow cül coll. Na vedn nebes tiogow gwertha oyow dhe'n gorvarhasow na velha. Na vedn radn anodhans cawas yer nowydh, radn anodhans a ladhas aga edhyn moy a-bres del ûsyes. Ma skiberyow gwag. Res ew dhen pe moy rag agan oyow. Gellys ew nebes tiogow mes a'n negys. Na wrewgh perna oyow en gorvarhasow. Gwrewgh perna agas oyow dhort marhas tiogow po reb yet an bargen tir. 

Would you like to make a cake or scrambled eggs or pancakes? You need eggs. But there is a shortage of eggs in some shops. There are empty shelves in supermarkets. Why? There are many hens on many farms. But the cost of food for the birds is increasing and the farmers do not have enough money. There is not adequate payment from the supermarkets. The supermarkets make a profit but the farmers make a loss. Some farmers will no longer sell eggs to the supermarkets. Some of them will not get new hens, some of them slaughtered their birds earlier than usual. There are empty barns. We must pay more for our eggs. Some farmers have gone out of the business. Don't buy eggs in supermarkets. Buy your eggs from a farmers' market or by the farm gate.


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