2023 Day 59
2023 Dedh Nawnjek ha Dogens De Meurth, ethves warn ügens mis Whevrel Tuesday, 28th February Ew hebma an diwettha dedh a w â v? Avorow a vedh an kensa dedh a wenton a veteorologieth. Bes na vedh hedna an diwedh a gewer wavek. Ma lavar coth: "Gw â v en H â v terebo Golôwan, ha Hâv en Gw â v terebo Nadelik." Bettegens, ma flourys gwenton solabres. Ma dhebm flourys melyn a-jei ha flourys melyn a-ves. Hag òtta oll ow flourys kigliw! Is this the last day of winter? Tomorrow will be the first day of meteorological spring. But that will not be the end of wintry weather. There is a proverb: "Winter in Summer until Midsummer, and Summer in Winter until Christmas." However, there are already spring flowers. I have yellow flowers indoors and yellow flowers outside. And see all my pink flowers!