2023 Day 55
2023 Dedh Pemdhek ha Dogens
De Gwener, pajardegves mis Whevrel
Friday, 24th February
Lowen o vy dhe weles ow mab wydn. Bettegens, trûedh dra ew dh'y weles de Gwener. Ev a dal bos en scol. E'n gwettha pres ma othom dhodho a scol specyal ha nag eus telher dhodho en scol veth. Na ell ev mos dhe scol kebmyn ha re goth ew ev rag scol meythrin. Rag fra ma caletter? Nag eus mòna lowr dhort an Governans rag Kernow. Nag eus mòna lowr rag adhescans. Nag eus leow scol lowr. Nag eus scolyow lowr rag flehes gen othobmow adhescansek specyal. Nag eus descadoryon po descadoresow ha gweroryon po gweroresow rom scol lowr. Nag üjens ow tendyl pegans lowr. Etho, otta an maw bian. Ma'n broder gevel ev en scol bes ma va tre.
I am happy to see my grandson. However it is a sad thing to see him on a Friday. He should be in school. Unfortunately he needs a special school and there is no place for him at all. He cannot go to an ordinary school and he is too old for nursery school. Why is there a problem? There is not enough money from the Government for Cornwall. There is not enough money for education. There are not enough school places. There are not enough schools for children with special educational needs. There are not enough teachers and classroom assistants. They do not earn enough pay. So, here's the little boy. His twin brother is at school but he is at home.
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