2023 Day 47
2023 Dedh Dogens ha Seyth
De Yow, whetegves mis Whevrel
Thursday, 16th February
My a viras orth tele hedhyw. E veu program ow tochya art Kembrek. Nei a welas capa owr teg kevys en encledhyans pur goth. (An düs leb a gavas an tresor a gollas an corf eskern.) A-bele eth an owr? O va owr a Gembra po o va martesen owr a Gernow (pecar'a en Disc Eborn Nebra)? Thera bal cober brâs en ogas. Ha nei a wor dr'o sten a Gernow ûsyes gen cober a Gembra dhe wül brons. Ellen nei trouvya owr (ha sten) whath en Kernow, en ryvars ha gothow? En certan, whei ell cawas cider henwys "Owr a Gernow".
I watched TV today. There was a programme about Welsh art. We saw a beautiful gold cape found in a very old burial. (The men who found the treasure lost the skeleton.) Where did the gold come from? Was it Welsh gold or was it perhaps Cornish gold (like in the Nebra Sky Disc)? There was a big copper mine nearby. And we know that Cornish tin was used with Welsh copper to make bronze. Can we still find gold (and tin) in Cornwall, in rivers or streams? Certainly you can get cider called "Cornish Gold".
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