2023 Day 136
2023 Dedh Cans Whetek warn Ügens
Tuesday, 16th May
Ma lies bleujen, bes rag fra nag eus lies tycky-Duw po lies gwenenen? Thera bleujow a'n gog, bes pe le ma'n coges? Gorfednys ew flourys war spern dû, ha lebmyn ma spern gwydn: en certan ma spern lowr ha wheg ew an sawarn. Ma gwedh an gwelha ow conis aga honan, car dre hevel. Mons ow tevy en gweres ha teleryow ew da ganjans. Martesen nag ew agan dewis nei. Ma edhyn ow qweres anjei.
There are lots of flowers, but why aren't there lots of butterflies or lots of bees? There were cuckoo blossoms (bluebells), but where are the cuckoos? Flowers on sloes (blackthorn) are finished, and now there is hawthorn (whitethorn); certainly there are enough thorns and the smell is sweet. The best trees plant themselves, so it seems. They grow in soil and positions they like. Perhaps it's not our choice. Birds help them.
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