2023 Day 140
De Sadorn, ügensves mis Me
Saturday, 20th May
Taclow da ha taclow drog - an dhew e'n kethsam dedh. Lebmyn ma dhebm camera terrys aral. Na venjama blamya an meppik wheg - saw ev a veu an diwettha person dh'y senjy! Na vern, ma dhebm fotos erel. Bes gwrewgh gòrtos! Ma fotos war ow dornfôn, saw na ellama aga danon, rag neb praga. Res ew dhebm perna camera nowydh. Keniver jorna my a wel rüdhek en ke, ow cana. Hedhyw my eth dhe'n gwelyow ha gweles gwenely, diw wednel (po chicoges). Per üskis ens. Ha my a glowas lies awhesydh ow cana en wheg. Na whath, dewanhes o vy. Agan kentrevogyon a res chanjya chei. Ma'n perhen ow qwertha aga annedh.
Good things and bad things - both in the same day. Now I have another broken camera. I would not like to blame the dear little boy - but he was the last person to hold it! No matter, I have other photos. But wait! There are photos on my mobile phone, but I cannot send them, for some reason. I must buy a new camera. Every day I see a robin in a hedge, singing. Today I went to the fields and saw swallows, two swallows (or house martins). They were very fast. And I heard many skylarks singing sweetly. However, I am saddened. Our neighbours must move house. The landlord is selling their home.
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