2023 Day 146

 2023 Dedh Cans Dogens ha Whegh

De Gwener, wheffes war ügens mis Me

Friday, 26th May

Silenus o duw bian en henwhedhlow Grek. Tho va duw a dhons, medhewnep ha'n wask win. Y das o Pan, du an gwylfos. Y dhama o Gaia, duwes an Norves. Bes eus keveren gen Kernow? Well, üdn scientist  a venthygyas an hanow rag nebes flourys "Silene". Ha ma lies anodhans en Kernow. Ma dhodhans henwyn kebmyn: soudoryon, bleujow kenis, glüsles. An brâssa radn ew rüdh, saw war an als nei alja gweles gwodroth po bleujen genisen wydn. Rüdh ha gwydn. A wrüg an scientist pedery a win? 

Silenus was a minor god in Greek mythology. He was the god of dance, drunkenness and the wine press. His father was Pan, the god of the wild. His mother was Gaia, the goddess of the Earth. But is there a connection with Cornwall? Well, one scientist borrowed the name for several flowers, "Silene". And there are lots of them in Cornwall. They have common names: soldiers, campion, spider flowers, catchfly. Most are red, but on the cliffs we could see a bladder campion or white campion. Red and white. Did the scientist think of wine? 


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