2023 Day 176
2023 Dedh Cans Trei Ugens ha Whetek
De Sul, pemp warn ugens mis Me
Sunday, 25th June
Rag fra na wruga vy mos dhe Jedh Luyow Arvys en Falmeth de? Drefen nag ew da genam bos en routh veur ha cas ew genam kewer re dobm. Ma vosow tew dhe jei vy ha thew yeyn lowr en hav. Hagensol, na via possybyl dhe vos mes gen trei flogh wydn, dew gei, diw gath hag udn hogh Gyny! Ha rag fra na wruga vy mos mes hedhyw? Dew flogh hag udn kei wrug mos, saw whath thera udn flogh ha'n remenat an bestes.
Why didn't I go to Armed Forces Day in Falmouth yesterday? Because I don't like being in a crowd and I hate excessively hot weather. My house has thick walls and it is cool in summer. Besides, it wouldn't be possible to go out with three grandchildren, two dogs, two cats and one guinea pig! And why didn't I go out today? Two children and one dog did go, but there was still one child and the rest of the animals.
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