2023 Day 200

 2023 Dedh Dew Cans

De Merher, nawnjegves mis Gorefen

Wednesday, 19th July

Na ellama leverel, "Glas ew an mor hedhyw," drefen na ellama kerdhes dhe weles an mor. Bettegens, my ell leverel, "An hav ew glas." Oll an keow ew glas, an gwedh ew glas ha ma lies moren las. Ma greun glas war an greunwedh - scawen, kerdhen. Whath ew an know coll glas war golwedh. Gwyweres ew gòcky - na ell anjei gòrtos. Nag ew an know arves, saw ma plysk gwag war an dor. 

I can't say, "The sea is blue today," because I can't walk to see the sea. However, I can say, "The summer is green." All the hedges are green, the trees are green and there are many green berries. There are green berries (grains) on berrytrees - an elder, a mountain ash. Even the hazelnuts are green on hazel trees. Squirrels are silly - they cannot wait. The nuts are not ripe, but there are are empty shells on the ground.


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