2023 Day 332

 2023 Dedh Trei Hans Dewdhek warn Ugens

De Meurth, ethves warn ügens mis Dû

Tuesday, 28th November

Ma sawarn wheg, pecar'a vanilla, ow tos dhort flourys reb an vownder.  Aga hanow Laten ew Petasites fragrans - radn an teylû cajow. Nag ens flourys pur deg - nebes plos ens drefen an prei ha del marow. Flourys gorow ens ha provia bleus a'n flourys rag gwenen gwag en gwav (martesen rag an gwenen e'n gist bost!). Gellys ew del dhort lies gwedhen. Lebmyn nei ell gweles neppeth en branchys gwag. Ew hedna neyth gwywer loos po neyth colobmen coos. A vedh boos rag an gwav? Ma debrys solabres ew oll an know coll gen an gwyweres.

There is a sweet smell, like vanilla, coming from flowers by the lane. Their Latin name is Petasites fragrans -part of the daisy family. They are not very beautiful flowers - they are rather dirty because of the mud and dead leaves. They are male flowers and provide pollen for hungry bees in winter (perhaps for the bees in the postbox!). Leaves are gone from many trees. Now we can see something in empty branches. Is that a grey squirrel's nest or a wood pigeon's nest? Will there be food for the winter? The squirrels have already eaten all the hazel nuts.


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