2023 Day 362
2023 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ugens ha Dew
De Yow, ethves warn ugens mis Kevardhu
Thursday, 28th December
Terweythyow, nag ew an jedh pur wheg, ha nag eus tra veth rag foto da. Ma sawarn wheg dhen flourys caglys, saw na ellama kemeres foto a sawarn. An eborn ew loos gen cloudys ha na ellama gweles an howl isel. Bettegens, en termyn an nos na ellama gweles an lowarth garow ha'n vownder lejek. Ha lebmyn ma loor leun, ha uhel ew hei e'n eborn. Oll an cloudys bian ew liwys gen arhans, ha terweythyow theram ow qweles liwyow adro dhe'n loor.
Sometimes, the day is not very nice, and there is nothing for a good photo. The muddied flowers have a sweet smell, but I can't take a photo of a smell. The sky is grey with clouds and I can't see the low sun. However, at night time I can't see the rough garden and the muddy lane. And now there is a full moon, and it is high in the sky. All the little clouds are coloured with silver, and sometimes I am seeing colours around the moon.
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