2024 Day 27

 2024 Dedh Seyth warn Ugens

De Sadorn, seythves warn Ugens mis Genver

Saturday, 27th January

Emesk ow levrow, my a drouvyas an volen ma. Ew hei cüdhlen dhelher coth? Pe le ma'n lever? Thewa argebmyn coth rag sebon Pears - ev na veu bes whedner coth rag caken. Eus kevren gen Kernow? Entei! Andrew Pears o mab tiek dhort Lanvorek, genys en seytek cans deg ha trei ugens. Barber o ev leb eth dhe Loundres. Ev a dhisplegyas sebon medhal, heb mostyon, rag bejethow. En termyn eus passyes, en Truru war Gay Lemon, e veu gweythva sebon ha cantollyow "Atlas". Hodna a usyas blonek best môwseksöath. Nag o an sebon heb mostyon! 

Among my books I found this page. Is it an old back cover? Where is the book? It is an old advertisement for Pears soap - it was only an old sixpence for a cake. Is there a link with Cornwall? Certainly! Andrew Pears was a farmer's son from Mevagissey, born in 1770. He was a barber who went to London. He developed a gentle soap, without impurities, for sensitive faces. In the past, in Truro on Lemon Quay, there was "Atlas" soap and candle works. That used smelly animal fat, tallow. The soap was not without impurities!


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