2024 Day 89
2024 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw
De Gwener, nawes warn ügens mis Meurth
Friday, 29th March
De a veu Du Yow Hablys. Pecar dr'ew an vaner an jedh ma, an Vetêrnes (rag an Metêrn) a ros Mòna Hablys dhe cans person ha hanter cans (trei ügens den ha pemdhek ha trei ügens benyn ha pemdhek, drefen bos bloodh an Metêrn trei ügens ha pemdhek). Keniver den ha benyn a fanjas pors rüdh ha pors gwydn, gen bathow bathys en specyal - gwres en Bathva an Metêrn. Ma bath pemp pens gen dragon Tudor, bath hantercans dineren ow merkya gool dew cans bloodh Institûcyon Riel Scathow-Sawya an Pow. Ewedh, ma dinerednow arhans specyal (üdn diner, dew dhiner, trei diner ha pajar diner) rag bloodh an Metêrn.
Yesterday was Maundy Thursday. As is the way on this day, the Queen (for the King) gave Maundy Money to 150 people (75 men and 75 women, because the King is 75 years old). Each man and woman received a red purse and a white purse, with specially minted coins - made in the Royal Mint. There is a £5 coin with a Tudor dragon and a 50 pence coin marking the bicentenary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Also, there are special silver pennies (1p, 2p, 3p and 4p) for the King's age.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
an Pow national (of the land)
arhans (m) silver
bathow coins < bath (m)
Bathva an Metêrn (f) the Royal (King's) Mint
bathys minted
De (Du) Yow Hablys Maundy Thursday
dineren (f) penny (coin) > (pl. dinerednow)
institûcyon (m) institution
riel royal
scath-sawya (m) lifeboat
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