2024 Day 176

 2024 Dedh Cans Trei Ügens ha Whetek

De Lün, pajwora warn ugens mis Efen

Monday, 24th June

Golôwan lowen dhe bub onan. Nag ewa an howlsavla gwir, thew Gool Jôwan Baptyst. Saw hedhyw, nag era vy ow pedery a hav.  My a drouvyas nebes volednow coth a vûsek, pernys nanj ew lies degvledhen - en mòna coth! Dew souls rag "Santa Baby" (cân rag Nadelik), üdn souls ha whegh diner rag "Cuando Calienta el Sol" (pa tòbma an howl), trei souls rag "gerowgh nei dhe godha en kerenja". Ha pemp cân gen Cole Porter rag pemp souls. Hedna veu meur a vòna e'n dedhyow na, saw tho talvys a geniver diner. Piw eus na gar Cole Porter? Nag o va mûsek classek po opera meur. Radn anodho o Latyn American ha standards jazz. Termyn my veu yonk da o genam cana cânow a'n par na en revue po gwary cân Nadelik.  My a ganas "neb dedh ow  prins a wra dos" avel Cinderella. En gwettha pres, nag eus lev dhebm lebmyn. Nep-pres ow lev a wra dos a-dro!

Happy Midsummer to everyone. It's not the true solstice, it's the Feast of St John the Baptist. But today, I was not thinking of summer. I found several old sheets of music, bought many decades ago - in old money! Two shillings for "Santa Baby" (a song for Christmas), one shilling and six pence for "Cuando Calienta el Sol" (when the sun heats up), three shillings for "let's fall in love". And five songs by Cole Porter for five shillings. That was a lot of money in those days, but it was worth every penny. Who does not love Cole Porter? It was not classical music or grand opera. Some of it was Latin-American and jazz standards. When I was young I liked to sing songs of that sort in a revue or panto. I sang "Some day my prince will come" as Cinderella. Sadly, I have no voice now. Sometime my voice will come back!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cânow songs < cân (f) (SWFM kanow < kan)

degvledhen (f) decade

diner (m) penny, pence

gerowgh nei dhe let's (SWFM gwren ni dhe)

gwary cân (m) musical (play) > panto

lev (m) or voys (m) voice

mûsek (m) music (m>v)

pernys ~ prenys bought, purchased

souls (m) shilling

volednow ~ folednow sheets < volen ~ folen (f) (SWFM folennow < folen)


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