2024 Day 205
De Meurth, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefen
Tuesday, 23rd July
Whath thew an mor tewal, bes ma hòbadòlya a liwyow et ow lowarth. Na ellama henwel oll an plansow ha bleujow. Re venowgh nag o vy sür ha my a's cabm-henwel. My ell ajon an üdnek rosen rüdh. Nag ew agan gweras da genjy - e dal bos moy es üdn rosen. Ma liw rüdh ow tos en morednow, avalow, hag erel.
Still the sea is dark, but there is a riot of colours in my garden. I can't name all the plants and flowers. Too often I'm not sure and I misname them. I can recognize the single red rose. It doesn't like our soil - there should be more than one rose. There is red colour coming in berries, apples, etc.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
ajon to recognize (SWFM aswon)
cabm-henwel to misname
gweras (m) soil
hag erel and others, et cetera
henwel to name
hòbadòlya (m) riot, uproar, commotion, etc.
menowgh often > re venowgh too often
morednow berries < moren (f) < col. mor
sür sure
tewal dark, blackish
üdnek single
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