2024 Day 206
De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Gorefen
Wednesday, 24th July
Maynor estât a dheuth de ha kemeres nebes fotos a 'gan lowarth brâs. Ev a wra gwertha agan chei raga nei, ma esperans dhebm. Ma othom dhen a nebonan rych, pòrres y whans a jei coth gen lowarth brâs, üskis. Yahüs ew, ma ayr er lowr - oxyjen gwres gen gwedh plenteth. Nei a wel an gwelyow oll adro. (Anjei ell bos môwsek üdn jedh a'n vledhen - spredya bousel!) E'n pelder ma'n clubb golf, ha'n mor. Avorow nei a vedn mos dhe'n cita dhe vires ort chei bian ha lowarth bian.
An estate agent came yesterday and took some photos of our large garden. He's going to sell our house for us, I hope. We need somebody rich, with an urgent desire for an old house with a large garden, quickly. It's healthy, there's enough fresh air - oxygen made by plenty of trees. We see the fields all around. (They can be smelly on one day of the year -muck spreading.) In the distance is the golf club. Tomorrow we will go to the city to look at a little house and a little garden.
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bos esperans dhe to hope, have hope
bos othom dhe (a) to need, have need (of)
bousel (col.) cow dung, "muck"
gwertha ~ gwerra to sell
maynor (e)stat (m) estate agent
môwsek smelly, stinky
pòrres urgent
üskis quick, quickly, fast
whans (m) want, wish, desire
yahüs healthy
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