2024 Day 208
De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Gorefen
Friday, 26th July
Ma dhebm dilhas dres othom. Ma cledhrednow ha lies trog-tedna a hevejyow, powsyow, crysyow, cryspowsyow, gwlânegow, jerkyns, côtys hir ha berr, ow còrtos oll dhe vos ornys. Radn anodhans ew mens cabm. My a res kemeres lies anodhans dhe'n shoppa alüsenek - ma lies anodhans. Na aljama bew hir lowr rag aga degy oll.
I have superfluous clothes. There are rails and many drawers of shirts, dresses, blouses, waistcoats, wooly jumpers, jerkins, long and short coats, all waiting to be sorted. Some of them are a wrong size. I must take many of them to a charity shop - there are many of them. I couldn't live long enough to wear them all!
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
cledhrednow rails < cledhren (f)
crysyow blouses, shirts < crys (m)
cryspowsyow waistcoats, bodices < cryspows (f)
dres othom superfluous, beyond need
gwlânegow jumpers, etc. < gwlânek (m) < gwlân (col.) wool
hevejyow ~ hevisyow shirts < hevis (m)
mens (m) size, measurement
powsyow dresses, frocks < pows (f)
shoppa alüsenek (m) charity shop
trog-tedna (m) drawer
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