2024 Day 239

 2024 Dedh Dew Cans Nawnjek warn Ügens

De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Est

Monday, 26th August

Termyn hir thera drog hanow dhe'n bobel a Gernow. Ma dhen devyn dhort Adam de Carleton e'n vledhen terdhek cans dogens ha dew ha ev owth omdedna avel Arhdiagon Kernow. "An bobel an parthow ma," emedh ev, "ew dres kinda!" (O anjei coynt?) Nag era keslavürya et aga gnas. Tho anjei "avlethys e'n fas a attentys dhe dhesky ha owna". Âwtorita nag o da gen an Kernôwyon. Meur o aga galarow et aga rebellyansow moy diwedhes. Lies cans a düs, Kernôwegoryon, a veu ledhys. 

For a long time the people of Cornwall had a bad reputation. We have a quotation from Adam de Carleton in the year 1342 as he resigned as Archdeacon of Cornwall. "The folk of these parts," he said, "are extraordinary!" (Were they strange?) It was not in their nature to cooperate. They were "obdurate in the face of attempts to teach and correct". The Cornish people did not like authority. They suffered greatly in their later rebellions. Many hundreds of men, Cornish speakers, were killed.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

attentys attempts < attent (m)

avlethys obdurate, inflexible

âwtorita (m) authority

devyn (m) quote, quotation

diagon (m) deacon 

dres kinda ~ dres ehen extraordinary

drog hanow (m) bad reputation, bad name

galarow suffering, pains

gnas (m) nature, characteristic, temperament

omdedna to resign, retire, withdraw

pobel (f) folk, people


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