2024 Day 243

 2024 Dedh Dew Cans Dogens ha Trei

De Gwener, degves warn ügens mis Est

Friday, 30th August 

Nanj ew etek bledhen Fran Brown, fysiotherapydhes dhort Truru, a veu electrisyen gòlowow en gwariva en Loundres. Nena hei a godhas dhe'n dor - whetek trooshes dhort skeyl - ha shyndya hy hodna. Pehen sport alja bos gwres gen benyn efreg? Gen determyans brâs hei a sayas nebes - crambla, triathlon, diwrosya. Lebmyn, òtta hei gen hy diwros en Gwariow Paralympyk en Paris.

Eighteen years ago Fran Brown, a physiotherapist from Truro, was a lighting technician in a theatre in London. Then she fell down - sixteen feet from a ladder - and damaged her neck. What sort of sport can be done by a handicapped woman? With great determination she tried several - climbing, triathlon and cycling. Now, here she is with her bicycle at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

codha to fall > a godhas (preterite)

codna (m) neck (c>h after hy)

determyans (m) determination, resolution

electrisyen (m) electrician

fysiotherapydhes (f) physiotherapist

gòlow (m) light  

gwariva (f) theatre

pehen what sort of, what kind (< pe ehen)

shyndya to injure, damage

skeyl (f) ladder

trooshes (m) foot (length)


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