2024 Day 290

 2024 Dedh Dew Cans Pajar Ügens ha Deg 

De Merher, whetegves mis Hedra 

Wednesday, 16th October 

Hedhyw ew de Merher, de a veu de Meurth ha degensete a veu de Lün. Avorow a vedh de Yow, trenja a vedh de Gwener ha'n jedh wòja hedna a vedh de Sadorn. Res ew dhebm perthy co a dhew bednbloodh e'n mis ma ha pajar pednbloodh e'n nessa mis. My a dal liwya nebes cartys pednbloodh, martesen gen arwòdh an Zodiak (An Vantol po An Scorpyon).

Today is Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday and the day before yesterday was Monday. Tomorrow will be Thursday, the day after tomorrow will be Friday and the day after that will be Saturday. I have to remember two birthdays in this month and four birthdays in the next month. I should paint some birthday cards, perhaps with a sign of the Zodiac (Libra or Scorpio).

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 

An Scorpyon Scorpio

An Vantol Libra

arwòdh (m) sign, symbol

cartednow cards < carten (f) (also cart (m) > cartys (SWFM kartennow < karten(f))

degensete day before yesterday

hedhyw today

liwya to paint, colour

pednbloodh (m) birthday, anniversary

perthy co to remember (SWFM perthi kov) 

trenja day after tomorrow


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