2024 Day 364
2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pajar
De Sül, nawves warn ügens mis Kevardhû
Sunday, 29th December
Ma lies deskybel en powyow erel ow tesky an tavas Kernowek. Terweythyow ma dhodhans ragadasow dhort Kernow. Diaspora an Kernôwyon en jei. Martesen an hendas o den bal po ynjydnor, bes thera whel aral dres mor, ewedh. Ha ma whel deffrans hedhyw e'n jedh rag tüs ha rag benenes. Ow stüdhyores en America ew scrifores, füg hy hanow, pecar'a Mark Twain. Hy lever cowboy ew ro Nadelik. Whei alja, martesen, trouvya bûghwas en Kernow, saw na wrew whei trouvya cowboy (po cowgirl)!
There are many students in other countries learning the Cornish language. Sometimes they have ancestors from Cornwall. They are the Cornish Diaspora. Perhaps the forefather was a miner or engineer, but there was other work overseas, too. And there is different work nowadays for men and for women. My student in America is a writer, with a false name, like Mark Twain. Her cowboy book is a Christmas present. You could, perhaps, find a cowherd in Cornwall but you won't find a cowboy (or cowgirl)!
Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today
bûghwas (m) cowherd
den bal (m) miner
deskybel (mf) ~ dyscabel (m) learner, student
dres mor overseas
hedhyw e'n jedh nowadays
hendas (m) forefather, ancestor
ragadas (m) forefather, ancestor
stüdhyores (f) student
whel (m) work
ynjydnor (m) engineer
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