2024 Day 365

 2024 Dedh Trei Hans Trei Ügens ha Pemp

De Lün, degves warn ügens Mis Kevardhû
Monday, 30th December

E'n termyn tremenys an düs a wrüg mires orth an eborn dhe ragleverel an gewer, gen howl isel dres ehen. Scattrys ew gòlow an howl gen podn e'n ayrgelgh. Ma podn e'n howlsedhes ow menya der gwask ayr ûhel ow tos - awel teg. Eborn rüdh e'n nos ew delît marner po bügel. Podn e'n howldrevel: ma'n awel teg ow mos kerdh. Eborn rüdh e'n mettin ew gwarnyans marner po bügel. Saw e'n mettin ma, e'n sooth-est, tho an eborn owryek. An gwedh o liwys gen owr ewedh. Nag eus rîm rag hedna. Ha thera cabmdhavas bras e'n noor-west. Lavar coth: Cabmdhavas e'n mettin, glaw bos etten.

In the past the people watched the sky to predict the weather, particularly with a low sun. The sunlight is scattered by dust in the atmosphere. Dust in the west means high air pressure is coming - fine weather. Red sky at night is a sailor's or shepherd's delight. Dust in the east: the good weather is going away. Red sky in the morning is a sailor's or shepherd's warning. But this morning, in the south-east, the sky was golden. The trees were also coloured with gold. There is no rhyme for that. And there was a big rainbow in the north-west. Proverb: Rainbow in the morning, there is rain in it.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today 
ayrgelgh (m) atmosphere
bügel (m) shepherd
e'n termyn tremenys ~ passyes in the past
gwarnyans (m) warning
howldrevel (m) sunrise, the east
howlsedhes (m) sunset, the west
marner (m) sailor
mires orth to watch, look at
mos kerdh to go away
podn (m) dust
ragleverel to predict, foretell, forecast


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