2025 Day 17

 2025 Dedh Seytek

De Gwener, seytegves mis Genver

Friday, 17th January

Da ew genam an trolergh coth ma, keth ew slotterüs. Cosel ew ev. Nag ew besy tabm veth. My ell kerdhes der vaner sygür ha'n keun ell ogla puptra. Ma'n trolergh en cownans, war an mena. War-tû ha'n sooth, war vadn, my a wel mòngleudh bian. Overdevys ew lebmyn gen idhyow ha reden. War tûa'n noor, war nans, my a wel gover ha ponsvorr goth brâs - an trolergh nowydh. Nag ew an bonsvorr  derevys gen men dhort an mòngleudh. Nag ew hei an keth men ha thew an mòngleudh re vian. En termyn eus passyes an gover a ros gallos dhe velin. 

I like this old footpath, although it's muddy (slottery). It's quiet. It's not at all busy. I can walk slowly and the dogs can sniff everything. The footpath is in a steep-sided valley, on the hillside. Towards the south, uphill, I see a small quarry. It's overgrown now with ivy and ferns. Towards the north, downhill, I see a stream and a big old viaduct - the new footpath. The viaduct is not built with stone from the quarry. It's not the same stone, and the quarry is too small. Once upon a time the stream powered a mill.

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cownans ~ downans (m) steep-sided valley

der vaner sygür slowly

mena (m) hillside

mòngleudh ~ mòngla (m) stone quarry

ogla to sniff, sniff out

ponsvorr (f) viaduct

trolergh (m) footpath

war nans downhill

war-tû ha ~ war tûa towards

war vadn uphill


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