2025 Day 63

 2025 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Trei

De Lün, tryja mis Meurth
Monday, 3rd March

"Termyn ew," thera vy ow pedery,"dhe vires orth ow descajow rag flehes eneth arta." Res ew dhebm gwil amendyansow ha gwelhansow. Martesen, ma deskyblon a venja desky flehes aga honan. Pandr'ew an kensa, bos locative po bos descriptive? Pandr'ew an gwelha geryow rag kensa alfabet? Nei a dal mires orth boos po dilhas, martesen. Flehes a dal debry ha degy dilhas.
"It's time," I am thinking, "to look at my lessons for children once again." I must make corrections and improvements. Perhaps, there are learners who would like to teach children themselves. Which is the first, bos locative or bos descriptive? What are the best words for a first alphabet? We should look at food or clothes, perhaps. Children should eat and wear clothes.

At Home With Cornish 

This course aims to introduce children to the Cornish language  a little at a time, building up a vocabulary based around  familiar things and familiar activities. 
Don't worry that people sometimes argue about spelling  or pronunciation. There are variations, just as there are in  English! It is all the same language. 
The main thing to remember about Cornish spelling is  that when you see consonants dh together, they represent  one sound, like “th” in English "this" and "that". 
And remember that, when it comes to working, little and often  is better than occasional long sessions. Aim for ten new things a day, and you'll be amazed at how the language builds up. 

Day 1 

Here are some ways to say "hello" to a friend or  family member: 
Lôwena dhis. Joy to you. (sounds like loo-enna theez)  
Ha sos. Hi, pal. (sos sounds like zawz
Ha Mamm. Hi Mum. 
Ha Tas. Hi Dad (Tas sounds like Taze

Children learn about things by asking questions, so,  
Pandr'ew hebma? What is this
(pandr'ew rhymes with boys’ name Andrew, stressing “dr’ew”)
Or, alternatively,
Pandr'ew hedna? What is that

aval - - - - 

Aval ew. 

It's an apple. 

bara - - - - 

Bara ew. 

It's bread. 

cavach - - - - - - 

Cavach ew. 

It's cabbage. 

dehen rew - - - - -  - - - 

Dehen rew ew.  

It's ice cream.

eskis - - - - - 

Eskis ew.  

It's a shoe.

flogh - - - - - 

Flogh ew.  

It's a child.


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