2025 Day 65

 2025 Dedh Trei Ugens ha Pemp

De Merher, pempes mis Meurth
Wednesday, 5th March

My a vedn scrifa nebes lavarow gen "bos descriptive" ha nenna nebes moy anodhans gen "bos locative". A vedh possybyl dhe witha anjei diberthys? 

I will write several sentences with "bos descriptive" and then some more of them with "bos locative". Will it be possible to keep them separate? 

Lebmyn, bloodh vy ew pajar ugens (hag udn seythen). Benyn goth o vyO vy fur, ewedh? Dama wydn (ha hen-henvam) ha pedngwydn o vy, saw nag o vy an edhen henwys "pengwydn"! Nebes clav o vy hedhyw. Ow skevens ew nebes grevys. "Kemerys" o vy gen cleves!
Thera vy ow pasa heb powes. Nag era vy ow mos mes. Ma gour vy ow mos dhe'n shoppys. Nag era vy ow towla dhe vos dhe'm bagas art avorow. Nag ujy an flehes wydn ow tos. Mons en scol. Etho, thera vy ow maga edhyn a'n lowarth. (Saw, nag eus pengwydn.)
Now, my age (years) is four score (and one week). I am an old woman. Am I wise, too? I am a grandmother (and great-grandmother) and white-haired, but I am not the bird called "penguin". I am a bit poorly today. My lungs are a bit irritated. I am "taken" by a sickness!
I am coughing without pause. I am not going out. My husband is going to the shops. I am not planning to go to my art group tomorrow. The grandchildren are not comingThey are in school. So, I am feeding the garden birds. (Though, there isn't a penguin.)


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