2025 Day 65

 2025 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Pemp

De Yow, wheffes mis Meurth
Thursday, 6th March

My a veu myskemerys ha kemyskys. Üdn jedh my a scrifas dew vlogg, rag hedna ma niver cabm dhe onan anodhans. My a scrifas naw blogg warn ügens en mis Whevrel. Nag ew hebma bledhen labm - bès my a wras dedh labm! Lebmyn ma ownys genam an niverow. Hedhyw, an kensa Yow en mis Meurth, ew Dedh Lever a'n Bes - dallathys nanj ew deg bledhen warn ügens. Nei a vedn tedna flehes dhe redya levrow moy. En nebes scolyow, flehes alja bos gwiskys avel nebonen en lever. De (ha de Sül eus passyes), thera procecyons rag Gool Peran, ha gwiskys on an bobel e'n liwyow Kernow. Ha thera jeant ewedh.

I was mistaken and muddled. One day I wrote two blogs, therefore there is a wrong number to one of them. I wrote twenty-nine blogs in February. This is not a leap year - but I created a leap day! Now I have corrected the numbers. Today, the first Thursday in March, is World Book Day - started thirty years ago. We want to attract children to read more books. In some schools, children could be dressed as someone in a book. Yesterday (and last Sunday), there were processions for St Piran's Day, and people were dressed in the colours of Cornwall. And there was a giant!

Deg ger rag hedhyw Ten words for today

cabm wrong
gwiskys ~ qwethys dressed, clad
kemyskys muddled, mixed
labm leap, jump > bledhen labm leap year
liwyow colours
myskemerys - cabmgemerys mistaken
niverow numbers < niver (m)
ownys corrected, amended
procecyon (m) procession, parade
tedna to draw, pull, attract, persuade


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