
Showing posts from March, 2018

Day Eighty-nine

An Nawas Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sadorn, an üdndegves warn ügens mis Meurth. De Sadorn Pask ew ha’n dedh diwettha a vis Meurth. Hanath e vedh loor leun. Hei a wra sevel hanter òja seyth (ar glogh). Thew hei an nessa loor leun en mis Meurth – henwys ew hedna “loor las”. Na vedh loor las aral bys dhe vis Hedra 2020. Saturday, 31 st March. It is Easter Saturday and the last day of March. Tonight there will be a full moon. It will rise at half past seven (o’clock). It is the second full moon in March – that’s called a “blue moon”. There will not be another blue moon till October 2020. Loor leun dhe les ew ewedh drefen boas òja an kehesnos gwenton. Henwys ew hei “an loor sugen”. En termyn eus passyes tho an kehesnos gwenton ha’n nessa loor leun sans dhe’n dhüwes Saxon Ostara po Eostre. Düwes o hei an arvester ha tevyans nowydh. Cristyons Sowsnek a gawas devnydh   a’n hanow rag “Easter”, degol o merkya dassòrrans (dasserghyans) Crist. Ma Kernowegoryon o ûsya an hanow “Pask” dho...

Day Eighty-eight

An Ethves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Gwener, an degves warn ügens mis Meurth. De Gwener an Grows ew. Glaw ha golow ha tòbmder an howl – ha leun ew o lowarth a flourys gwenton ha whynas. Me a vedn gwitha an flourys bes riddya an whynas. Me a dednas lies whennen dhort an dor, bes ma lies moy o remaynya. Lebmyn ma drog keyn genam! Friday, 30 th March. It is Good Friday. Rain and the sun’s light and heat – and my garden is full of spring flowers and weeds. I wish to keep the flowers but get rid of the weeds. I pulled many weeds from the ground, but many more remain. Now I have backache!

Day Eighty-seven

An Seythves Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Yow ew, an nawas dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth. Pandra wrüga vy gwil hedhyw? Na ellama remembra poran! (Hen ew ges (wharth) gans o deskyblon.) Me a wra moas dhe’n gwely. Ma’n pydnyon vy o kerdhes gwell pa nag o vy skith. It’s Thursday, the 29 th day of March. What did I do today? I can’t remember exactly! (That’s a joke with my students.) I’ll go to bed. My brain functions better when I’m not tired.

Day Eighty-six

An Wheffes Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Merher ew, an ethves dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth. Hedhyw ma problem nowydh dhebm gans ow lagajow. Me ell gweles gwias kenes ow neyja adherag ow aval lagas dyhow – saw nag eus traveth ena.   Ass ew lôwenek, ow codha coth! Thero whei ow talla (talleth) codha ales. (Whei a dhalleth codha ales.) It’s Wednesday, the 28 th day of March. Today I have a new problem with my eyes. I can see a cobweb floating in front of my right eyeball – but there is nothing there. How joyful it is, getting old! You begin to fall apart.

Day Eighty-five

An Pempes Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Meurth, seythves warn ügens mis Meurth. Teg lowr o an gewer. Me a wrüg kerres (kerdhes) nebes mildir, debry cowl spisek en “Lily’s” nena cawas class dhe les. Oja hedna me eth dhe chei mab vy ha kemeres diw garten ha dew ro rag pedn bloodh dew vab gwydn. Tuesday, 27 th March. The weather was quite nice. I walked several miles, ate spicy soup in Lily’s then had an interesting class. After that I went to my son's house and took two cards and two presents for the birthday of two grandsons.

Day Eighty-four

An Pajwora Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Lün, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurth. Üdn jorna teg moy arta. Howl a wra en Kernow. O gour a wrüg moas dhe’n shoppa. Res ew dhebm gwil neppeth vas o honan. Martesen me a wra golhy an liednow gwely. Anjei a wra seha en howl. Nena me a vedn kerres (kerdhes) gen (gans) o hei ha perhy co (perthy cov) a’m whôr. Monday, 26 th March. One more lovely day again. The sun shines in Cornwall. My husband has gone to the shop. I must do something useful myself. Perhaps I’ll wash the bedclothes. They’ll dry in the sun. Then I’ll walk with my dog and remember my sister.

Day Eighty-three

An Tryja Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sül ew, an pempes dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth. Thera dhen kewer pur deg hedhyw, keth ew an gwens whath yeyn lowr. Bes ma moredh dhebm hanath. O whôr gotha a wrüg merwel hedhyw, òja cleves hir. It’s Sunday, the 25th  day of March. We had very lovely weather today, though the wind is still quite cold. But I am grieving tonight. My older sister has died today, after a long illness.

Day Eighty-two

An Nessa Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Sadorn ew, an pajar dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth. Gwenton? Glaw a wra en Kernow en gwenton. Pur leb ew an gewer hedhyw, gleb ha yeyn lowr. Gwydn ew an ebòrn gen cobmol. Na ellama gweles howl veth. It’s Saturday, the 24 th day of March. Spring? It rains in Cornwall in spring. The weather is very wet today; wet and quite cold. The sky is white with cloud. I can’t see any sun. Avorow nei a vedh en Termyn Hav Bretednek. Üdn our òja hanter nos nei a wra avonssya (avauncya) oll an clegh (clockys). Nei a wra kelly üdn our a gòsk e’n mettin, saw e vedh dhen üdn our moy a wolow howl òja whel. Dalladhvos THB a veu en 1916, dhe erbisy glow.       Tomorrow we will be in British Summer Time. One hour after midnight we will put all the clocks forward. We will lose one hour of sleep in the morning, but we will have one more hour of daylight after work. The origin of BST was in 1916, to save coal.

Day Eighty-one

An Kensa Dedh ha Pajar Ügens De Gwener ew, tryja warn ügens mis Meurth. Gellys ew an gwav, wor’tiwedh. Thera dhen howl en mettin ha glaw en dohajedh, saw nag era dhen ergh na keser na rew. Jorna blewek ew – meur a lavür tre dhe wil. Pres ew dhe wòrtos tre ha golhy an lestry, golhy an dillas, glanhe an leuryow ha gwitha war an bestes. (Ma dhebm üdn kei, diw gath ha dew gònin e’n polj ma).     It’s Friday, 23 nd March.   Winter has gone, at last. We had sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon, but we didn’t have snow or hail or frost. It is a boring day – lots of housework to do. It’s time to stay home and do the dishes, wash the clothes, clean the floors and look after the animals. (I have one dog, two cats and two rabbits at the moment).

Day Eighty

An Pajarügensves Dedh De Yow, an nessa dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth ha tryja dedh an gwenton. En dohajedh me a vetyas gen nebes cowethesow en bosty en Truru rag dew our a dhelinyans ha lymnans. Me a dhisqwedhas fatel gwil oy Pask afinys en gis Keltek. Calish lowr ew! Neb na wor clappya Kernowek a dhescas "Pask lowen". Thursday, the 22 nd day of March and the third day of spring. In the afternoon I met with some friends in a café in Truro for two hours of drawing and painting. I demonstrated how to do a Celtic style decorated Easter egg. It’s quite difficult. Those that didn't know how to speak Cornish learnt "Happy Easter".

Day Seventy-nine

An Nownjegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Merher, an kensa dedh warn ügens a vis Meurth ha an nessa dedh a wenton. En gordhewer thera cuntellyans bagas art Truru. Limner henwys Vivienne Orchard a dhisqwedhas dhen fatel ma hei o cül hy pycturs a flourys war wel gwissedhys.   Wednesday, the 21 st day of March and the second day of spring. In the evening there was a meeting of a Truro art group. A painter called Vivienne Orchard demonstrated to us how she does her pictures of flowers on a textured background.

Day Seventy-eight

An Etekves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Meurth, ügensves mis Meurth. Kehesnos gwenton ew ha’n kensa dedh gwenton. Jorna pur deg o magata, yeyn lowr bes pur howlek. An ebòrn o blou. An nos a vedh yeyn ha rew drefen nag eus commol. Thera dohajedh da dhebm. Me a vettyas gen cothmans en bosty dhe eva coffy ha clappya Kernôwek. Thera vy omglowes en ehes da – me a wrüg kerdhes adro dhe whegh mildir hedhyw.   Tuesday, 20 th March. It’s the spring equinox and the first day of spring. It was a very beautiful day as well, quite cold but very sunny. The sky was blue. The night will be cold and frosty because there are no clouds. I had a good afternoon. I met friends in a café to drink coffee and talk Cornish. I feel healthy – I walked about six miles today.

Day Seventy-seven

An Seytegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Lün ew, an nownjegves dedh a vis Meurth. Fatel ew an gewer hedhyw? Seyth ar glogh en mettin ew ha ergh a wra arta. Pana seson ew hebma? Thera vy o mires aves dhe’n veister ha me ell gweles gwav. Thera vy o mires orth o lever-dedhyow ha me ell redya nepeth deffrans. It’s Monday, the 19 th day of March. How’s the weather today? It’s 7 o’clock in the morning and it’s snowing again. What season is this? I look out of the window and I can see winter. I look at my calendar and I can read something different. Calan Meurth ew an kensa dedh a gwenton keweroniethel. Thew an misyow gwenton mis Meurth, mis Ebrel ha mis Me.   Saw ma gwenton steroniethel o talla teyr seythen po nebes moy diwettha.   Ev a wra dalla avorow (en dohajedh), an keheja dedh ha nos. Hedhyw thew an nos hirra vel an jedh, òja avorow a vedh an nos cottha vel an jedh. The first day of March was the first day of meteorological spring. The spring months are March, April a...

Day Seventy-six

An Whetegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sül, etegves mis Meurth. Pedn bloodh o mergh wydn ew. Pedn blood lowen o whegol. Hedhyw a veu dedh a dew hanter! E’n mettin thera howl hag en dohajedh thera dhen ergh. An treylyans a veu desempis lowr – qwarter dhe dhew eur po nebes. Sunday, 18 th March. It’s my granddaughter’s birthday. Happy birthday my darling. Today was a day of two halves! In the morning there was sun and in the afternoon we had snow. The change was quite sudden – just before a quarter to two.

Day Seventy-five

An Pemdhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sadorn, seytegves mis Meurth. An seytegves dedh a vis Meurth ew Degol Padryk. Padryk ew sans tasek Wordhen saw nag o va Godhal. Ev a veu genys en Breten Veur, en soth a Scotlond martesen, en cres an pempes cansvledhen. Saturday, 17 th March. The 17 th day of March is St Patrick’s Day. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland but he was not Irish. He was born in Great Britain, perhaps in the south of Scotland, in the middle of the 5 th century. Pan o va adro dhe whetek bloodh ev a veu sesys gen morladron ha dres dhe Wordhen, le mayth o va keth dres whegh bledhen hag ev ow pugelya deves.   Ev a scappyas betegens hag a dhewhelys dh’y deylu en Breten Veur. When he was about 16 years old he was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland, so that he was a slave for 6 years herding sheep. However he escaped and returned to his family in Great Britain. Òja boas gwres prownter war an brastir, Padryk eth dhe Wordhen ha dallath y whel ra...

Day Seventy-four

An Peswardhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Gwener ew, an whetegves dedh a vis Meurth. Nag era na glaw na ergh naneyl hedhyw saw thera keser, keserednow broas lowr. Anjei a wras tros war an to ha war an trulergh. Herwydh an dhargan awel ma’n Best dhort an Est o toas. Hedn ew gwens crev ha pur yeyn dhort Siberia ha Scandinavia. Martesen na vedh ergh avorow, bes nei a wra omglowes pur yeyn. Pecar’a gwenton o hei de – gwav a wra dewheles dres an pedn seythen. It’s Friday, the 16 th  day of March. There was neither rain nor snow today but there was hail, quite big hail-stones. They made a loud noise on the roof and on the footpath. According to the weather forecast the Beast from the East is coming. That is a strong, very cold wind from Siberia and Scandinavia. Perhaps there will not be snow tomorrow, but we will feel very cold. It was like spring yesterday - winter will return during the weekend.

Day Seventy-three

An Terdhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Yow ew, an pemdhegves dedh a vis Meurth. Thera meur a law dres nos. Ma liw aves dhe’n chei ha prei e’n vownder. Ha me o moas war nans dhe’n dre me a veras lies gwelen ha menow adres dhe’n vorr – golhys war woles gans an hager gawas. E’n mettin thera gwens crev saw nag era glaw moy. It’s Thursday, the 15 th  day of March. There was lots of rain overnight. There’s a flood outside the house and mud in the lane. As I was going downhill to the village I saw many sticks and stones across the road – washed down by the downpour. In the morning there was a strong wind but there was no more rain.

Day Seventy-two

An Dhewdhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Merher, an pajerdegves mis Meurth. Hager ew an awel hedhyw; gleb ha gwenjek. Ass ew gorthwedh (contrast)! De o wheg. hedhyw ew gweth. Ma plodn broas aves dhe’n daras rag nei. Res ew dhen doas tre ha moas mes dres an losowjy. Wednesday, 14 th  March. Today’s weather is dreadful; wet and windy. What a contrast! Yesterday was nice, today is worse. There is a big puddle outside our front door. We must come in and go out through the conservatory. Thera visityans dhen dhort agan mab newher. Ev a wrüg obery en fer trad o qwertha gwin fin. Nei a wrüg fittya kidnyow ragtho. Ev a dhros kisten a gor jynjer rag o fednbloodh. E’n mettin ev a gemeras dillas ha daffar baby rag agan mergh wydn. Nena ev eth tre dh’y wreg ha gevellyon yonk. Na alja ev gortos na fella. We had a visit from our son last night. He’d worked at a trade fair selling fine wine. We prepared dinner for him. He brought a case of ginger beer for my birthday. In the morning he too...

Day Seventy-one

An Üdnegves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Meurth, an terdhegves mis Meurth. Jorna teg dhe gerdhes o. Thera cathas helyk arhans o toas war nebes helyk ha thera losyow eyn melin war oll an coll. Mesk an gwels thera nebes brially melin, lily Corawes melin ha losow lagas melin. Thera flourys melin war an prisk eythin ewedh. Tuesday, 13 th  March. It was a lovely day for walking. There were silver pussy willow catkins coming on some willow trees and there were yellow lambs’ tail catkins on all the hazels. Among the grass there were some yellow primroses, yellow daffodils and yellow celandines. There were yellow flowers on the gorse bushes as well. E’n kyttrin me a redyas lever entanüs, scrifys gen Iseldiryades. Me a’n finsyas ken drehedhes Truru. Novel helerghyas o, settys en Kernow. Thera dew dhenladh hag üdn denladrans. On the bus I read an exciting book, written by a Dutch woman. I finished it before reaching Truro. It was a detective novel, set in Cornwall. There were two murd...

Day Seventy

An Degves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Lün, an dewdhegves mis Meurth. Me a withas ort o flehes wydn, me a gowsas gans o mergh, me a veras ort pellwolok ha me a necovas et tien dhe scrifa Kernôwek veth. Monday, 12 th  March. I looked after my grandchildren, I chatted with my daughter, I watched television and I completely forgot to write any Cornish.

Day Sixty -nine

An Nawhes Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sül, an üdnegves mis Meurth. Nag o vy mar skith hedhyw. Na wrüga vy kerdhes nebes mildir. Et y le me a wrüg gonis e’n lowarth. Thera vy o qwitha war o flehes gwydn ewedh. Dedh Damyow? Me a fanjas carten wheg. Sunday, 11 th March. I am not so tired today. I have not walked several miles. Instead I worked in the garden. I am looking after my grandchildren as well. Mothers’ Day? I received a nice card.

Day Sixty-eight

An Ethves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sadorn, an degves mis Meurth. Skith o vy! Me eth dhe Porthia – jorna hir ha meur a gerdhes. Me a wrüg clowes adro dhe lymnores henwys Wilhelmina Barns-Graham ha adro dhe lymnoresow benow erel en Kernow e’n Soler Art Tate. Lies anodhans a wrüg liwya en Lanust ha Penwyth. Pur dhe les. Saturday, 10 th March. I’m tired! I went to St Ives – a long day and a lot of walking. I heard about an artist called Wilhelmina Barns-Graham and about other women artists in Cornwall in the Tate Gallery. Many of them painted in St Just and Penwith. Very interesting.

Day Sixty-seven

An Seythves Dedh ha Trei ügens De Gwener ew, an nawhes dedh a vis Meurth. Pana dheffrans tredh dew dhedh! Hedhyw o deffrans ort de. Awel deg era dhen de, bes gleb ew hei hedhyw – pur leb. Nag era whans dhebm a voas mes. En gwella pres, nag era odhom dhebm a voas mes! Avorow me a venja moas dhe Porthia. A vedh an gewer gleb po segh? Ma glawlen dhebm rag own glaw a wra – cota stanch ha bombadys magata. It’s Friday, the 9 th day of March. What a difference between two days! Today was different from yesterday. We had lovely weather yesterday, but it’s wet today – very wet. I didn’t want to go out. Fortunately, I did not need to go out. Tomorrow I’d like to go to St Ives. Will the weather be wet or dry? I have an umbrella in case it rains – a waterproof coat and wellies as well.

Day Sixty-six

An Wheffes Dedh ha Trei ügens De Yow, an ethves mis Meurth. Me a wrüg enjoya an jedh. An howl a spladnas ha thera dhebm kerdh da dhe’n tre. Teg o an mor ha’n treth. An kyttrin a veu a dermyn ha nag o anes po yeyn. Thursday, 8 th March. I enjoyed the day. The sun shone and I had a good walk to the village. The sea and the beach were beautiful. The bus was on time and it wasn’t uncomfortable or cold. Me a vettyas gen cowethes en shoppa art en Truru ha cows dro dhe’n towlow rag de Sadorn. E vedh cuntellyans en Solar Art Tate en Porthia.   I met a friend in an art shop in Truro and talked about the plans for Saturday. There is going to be a meeting in the Tate Art Gallery in St Ives. Òja hedna me eth dhe bosty bian rag debry li. Me a dhabras cowl por ha poltat gen bara gorm ha manin. Nebes cowethesow erel a dheuth ha nei a dhelinyas ha liwya. Me a wras carten rag Dedh Damyow (Dedh Mabmow). Thera keffres ha’n baner gwydn ha dû etto, keffres ha lily an Corawes ha colmow Ke...

Day Sixty-five

An Pempes Dedh ha Trei ügens De Merher, an seythves mis Meurth. Jorna teg, bys dhe hanter dedh – òja hedna thera dhen glaw arta. Lebmyn thera vy o còrtos rag dew flogh wydn moy. Termyn ew rag badna de. Wednesday, 7 th March. A lovely day, till noon – after that we had rain again. Now I am waiting for two more grandchildren. It’s time for a drop of tea.

Day Sixty-four

An Peswora Dedh ha Trei ügens De Meurth, an wheffes mis Meurth. Thera dhebm dew dhedh pur vesy. De Lün me eth dhe Tremough, Universita Caresk, rag cuntellyans gelwys “Keskowsow”, adro dhe henwyn Kernôwek. De Meurth me a dhallathas class nowyth en Truru, en boosty bian. Òja hedna me a wrüg gwitha war drei flogh wydn en chei o mab. E veu òja hanter nos termyn me a wrüg doas chei. Pur skithys! Tuesday, 6 th March. I had two very busy days. On Monday I went to Tremough, Exeter University, for a meeting called “Conversations”, about Cornish names.   On Tuesday I began a new class in Truro, in a little restaurant. After that I looked after three grandchildren in my son’s house. It was after midnight when I came home. Very tiring.

Day Sixty-three

An Tryja Dedh ha Trei ügens De Lün ew, an pempes dedh a vis Meurth. Dedh arbednek ew rag Kernow: Gool Perran. Gool Perran lowen dhe whei oll! Piw ew Perran? Tasek stenoryon ew – rag lies person thew ev tasek Kernow. Fortüdnyes ew Kernow – ma dhe nei dew dasek erel ewedh – Mihal ha Petroc.     It’s Monday, the 5 th day of March. It’s an important day for Cornwall: St Piran’s feast day. Happy St Piran’s Day to you all! Who is St Piran? He’s the patron saint of tinners – for many people he is Cornwall’s patron saint. Cornwall is fortunate – we have two other patron saints as well – St. Michael and St. Petroc.

Day Sixty-two

An Nessa Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sül, mis Meurth, an pajwora dedh. An tempredh e’n mettin a veu dewdhek degre Celsius (terdhek degre ha dogans Fahrenheit) moy po le. Nag o an awel yeyn. Spladn o an howl ha me o kerdhes gans o hei, saw thera cloudys tewl e’n ebòrn. E’n gwella pres me a dheuth tre kens dalla an glaw.   Sunday, March 4 th . The temperature in the morning was about 12 O C (53 O F). The weather was not cold. The sun was bright as I walked with my dog, but there were dark clouds in the sky. Fortunately, I came home before the start of the rain.   Nag era odhom dhebm a voas mes arta, etho me a wrüg redya ha mires ort TV (pellwolok). Ew da genowgh sportow gwav? Da ew genam mires ortans! Gwariow Olympek Gwav o entanüs. Da ew genam “Dauncya war Rew” magata. I didn’t need to go out again, so I read and watched television. Do you like winter sports? I like watching them! The Winter Olympic Games were exciting. I like “Dancing on Ice” as well.

Day Sixty-one

An Kensa Dedh ha Trei ügens De Sadorn, an tryja mis Meurth. Gellys ew an ergh adro dhe chei nei. Glaw a wrüg doas ha golhy an ergh dhe ves. Et y le ma dhen liw bian, keth era tabm golow an howl e’n dohajedh. Dewhelys ew an prei! Haneth en nos me ell gweles an loor, keth ew hei niwlek lowr. Saturday, 3 rd March. The snow round our house is gone. Rain came and washed the snow away. In its place we have a little flood, though there was a bit of sunshine in the afternoon. The mud is back! Tonight I can see the moon, though it is rather misty.

Day Sixty

An Trei ügensves Dedh De Gwener, an nessa dedh a vis Meurth. E veu loor leun (henwys “Loor Brev) e’n mettin avarr, an kensa loor leun a’n mis. E vedh loor leun aral e’n mis ma; de Sadorn, an üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurth. Gelwys ew hedna “loor las”. Terweythüs ew hedna. Nag era loor leun veth en mis Whevrel bes thera diw loor leun dhe vis Genver ha dhe vis Meurth. Thew hedna whath moy terweythüs (pedergweyth pub cansbledhen). Friday, the second day of March. There was a full moon (called   a “Worm Moon”). in the early morning, the first full moon of the month. There will be another full moon this month, Saturday, 31 st March. That is called “a blue moon”. That is rare. There was no full moon in February but January and March had two full moons. That is even rarer (four times every century). Arbednek ew an second loor leun an mis ma. Rag fra? Ûsyes ew dhe dhetermya an jedh apoyntys rag Pask. Pask ew pub pres an Sül òja an kensa loor leun òja kehesnos gwenton. Keheja dedh...

Day Fifty-nine

An Nawhes Dedh ha Dogans De Yow ew an jedh. Nag ew dedh diwettha an seythen ha nag ew dedh diwettha a vis. Thew an kensa dedh a vis nowydh, an kensa dedh a vis Meurth. Dedh arbednek ew rag Kembra. Gool Davydh ew. Thew Sen Davydh tasek Kembra. De a veu an diwettha dedh a vis Whevrel. Mis berr ew Whevrel, mis an berra a’n vledhen. Nag eus dhodho bes eth dedh warn ügens (marnas en bledhen labm). The day is Thursday. It’s not the last day of the week and it’s not the last day of a month. It’s the first day of a new month, the first day of March. It's an important day for Wales. It's St David's Day. St David is the patron saint of Wales. Yesterday was the last day of February. February is a short month, the shortest month of the year. It has only twenty-eight days (except in a leap year). Devedhys ew an ergh war an cost noor, wor’tiwedh. Ma lies ehen a ergh. E’n mettin nag era dhen bes cowas scàv a ergh podn fin, e’n dohajedh thera codh poos a erhednow broas. Newher th...