
Showing posts from March, 2020

2020 Day 91

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Üdnek De Meurh, üdnegves warn ügens mis Meurh Tuesday, 31st March   An diwettha dedh a vis Meurh ew hebma. Gorfednys ew an kensa mis gwenton. Mis Whevrel a veu an gleppa Whevrel besca veu recordys. Pur leb o an dor; pur leyjek o an bôwnderyow. Rosow kerry a wras trohow down. Mis Meurh ew en lies an segha mis e'n pow ma. Ma lavar coth: Ma Whevrel ow leuna an creunyow rag Meurh. Lebmyn gellys ew an liwyow ha ma'n leyjek ow tisewydhy - bes ma'n trohow whath ena ha ma tollow e'n vorr (fordh).   This is the last day of March. The first spring month is finished. February was the wettest February ever recorded. The ground was very wet; the lanes were very muddy. Vehicle wheels made deep ruts. March is commonly the driest month in this country. There is a proverb: February fills the dams for March. Now the floods are gone and the mud is drying up - but the ruts are still there and there are holes in the road.   Deg ger rag hedhyw:...

2020 Day 90

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Deg De Lün, degves warn ügens mis Meurh Monday, 30th March Ma gorothom e'n pow ma. Ma barras war an Norves. Lies pow ew degeys - na ell nagonan mos kerdh ha na ell nagonan mos en-bera. Caletter ew hebma rag an pow ma drefen bos othom a bajar ügens ha deg mil person rag gonis war bargenys tir hag erbyers marhas. Nag eus tüs lowr obma a vedn lavürya war an tir - po a wor gwil whel tiek. Piw a wor lewya tractor? An lily Corawes nag ew cuntellys. Scon e vedh sevy, tomatys ha frût aral  ha losow debry dhe vos cuntellys, ornys, fardellys ha degys dhe'n shoppas. En bledhednyow eus passyes tüs whel a dheuth dhort Europa Est. Fatel ell anjei dos lebmyn?  Bes na dal an boos mos dhe goll.  There is an emergency in this country. There is a crisis on the Earth. Many countries are closed - nobody can go away and nobody can go in. This is a problem for this country because there is a need for 90,000 people to work on farms and market gardens. T...

2020 Day 89

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Naw De Sül, nawves warn ügens mis Meurh Sunday, 29th March Termyn hav. Termyn Hav Brettenek, THB dhe vos compes. My a dhifünas gans an howldrevel - qwarter dhe seyth ar gloh et ow lowarth. E veu golowder spladn a'n howl war lesin bian reb beister ow chombour. Saw nag ewa neppeth dhe seyth hedhyw - qwarter dhe eth ew. An clockys a wrüg lebmel arag. En Sowsnek "lebmel war rag; codha war dhelergh" = "Gwenton war rag; Kidnyadh war dhelher". Ken deg ar gloh e veu howl, òja deg ar gloh ma cloudys. Ma gwens yeyn ewedh - nag ew an gewer pur havek. Res ew dhebm kerdhes - nag ewa da rag an yehes dhe vos sevyllyek rag termyn hir. My a wra cawas ow manegow tòbm ha lien codna. Saw eus diwvanek? Summer time. British Summer Time, BST to be exact. I woke up with the sunrise - quarter to seven in my garden. There was bright sunlight on the little lawn by the window of my bedroom. But it's not something to seven today - it's quarter...

2020 Day 88

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens hag Eth De Sadorn, ethves warn ügens mis Meurh Saturday, 28th March My ell clowes edhen ow cana e'n ke, bes pe le ma hei ha pehen ew hei? Pa vaner edhen ew hei? Rüdhek ew. Ma lagas dû bian ow mires ortam. My ell gweles ascra rüdh emesk an barednow. Nag eus lies delen whath. Trehys ew an ke ma gen jynn bian. Nag eus coskeus rag edhyn en keow sqwardys gen jynn brâs. Nag eus danva. An vorrow (fordhow) a dal bos ledan rag kerry, rag hedna thew an keow trehys. Saw ma nebes gwedh na veu trehys gen jynnys. Shâpys ens bettegens, formys gen gwens. An gwens ow prevaylya en Kernow ew gwens gorlewin, etho ma'n gwedh ow kilynya tûa'n est, car dre hevel.  Tevyans ew môy syger tû an gwens, drefen bos segha. I can hear a bird singing in the hedge by the lane, but where is it and what is it like? What type of bird is it? It's a robin. A little black eye is looking at me. I can see a red chest among the twigs. There aren't many leaves yet. Thi...

2020 Day 87

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Seyth De Gwener, seythves warn ügens mis Meurh Friday, 27th March Ma whel ow contenewa e'n pow adro. Ma'n sêson ow mos rag, kenth nag ew an solsow cuntellys whath e'n gwel melyn. Arys ew an gwelyow cawlvleujyow, bettegens, parys rag an nessa trevas. Pòrres ew dhe gomposa an keow ken sêson neythy. Saw nag ew an keow compes e'n jedh hedhyw.  Sqwardys ew an scorednow gen jynnys tiek meur, nag ens trehys gen rach dre dorn. Ma lies scorren shyndys ha ma gwedh codhys. Ma nebes gwedh a wra codha scon en gwens magata - medhel ew an dor dreven an glaw. Bes nag ew an bargas troblys!     Work continues in the countryside. The season progresses, though the daffodils are not picked yet in the yellow field. The cauliflower fields are ploughed, however, ready for the next crop. It is important to tidy the hedges before nesting season. But the hedges are not neat these days. The branches are ripped by great farm machines, not cut carefull...

2020 Day 86

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Whegh   De Yow, wheffes warn ügens mis Meurh Thursday, 26th March Pandr'ew an liwyow gwenton? Hedhyw melyn ew. Dhort ow lowarth my ell gweles gwel melyn e'n pelder. Pandr'eus ow tevy etto? An keth liw ew avel an lily Corawes reb an eglos.  (Ma dens lew ha ster gwenton ewedh.) Martesen thew gwel leun a lily Corawes. Soweth! Trûedh tra ew rag an tiek. Piw a alja aga huntel rag an shoppys e'n gorothom ma? Piw a wra perna flourys lebmyn? An flourys na alja bos marow ken Pask - spladn ew an gewer etho thew an flourys re a-varr. Nei a gerras (gerdhas) en vorr wag ahes. An keth gwel ew dhe vos gwelys. Ma gòlow howl en keow - ma lies bagas eythin, owriek aga bleujyow, ow spladna lôwenek. Ma'n drânow ow whirny oll adro - ma dhodhans lystednow melyn.     What are the colours of spring? Today it's yellow. From my garden I can see a yellow field in the distance. What is there growing in it? It's the same colour as the daffodils...

2020 Day 85

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pemp De Merher, pempes warn ügens mis Meurth Wednesday, 25th March Na ellen nei mos mes. Pandr'ellen nei gwil e'n chei? Nag eus traveth war an tele bes yeyn nowodhow. Nei a drouvyas mûsek coth - snodys rag an jynn-snod (nebes kistednow). An brâssa radn anodhans ew dhort an bledhednyow trei ügens - termyn my a veu yonk. En bledhednyow deg ha trei-ügens thera flehes dhebm bes na wrüg ow dewisow chânjya. Da veu genam (ha da ew genam whath) levow wheg ha canow, da ha cler aga geryow. (Na ellama clowes an geryow en canow e'n jedh hedhyw - ha nag o vy bodharek!) Ha da veu genam ayrys vas. Ma snodys a vûsek an bobel ha jazz, lev ha menestrouthy. Na wrüga vy perna snodys rag termyn hir. Ma vorrow erel rag gosôwes ort mûsek hedhyw e'n jedh.  An Whiloryon a ganas, "Na vedn nei bos movys!" Nei a dal cana, "Na ellen nei bos movys!" We can't go out. What can we do in the house? There is nothing on the TV but bad ne...

2020 Day 84

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Pajar De Meurh, pajwora warn ügens mis Meurh Tuesday, 24th March De tho an gewer teg ha my alja gweles an mor en pelder bes hedhyw na vedn an howl spladna ha na ellama gweles an mor. Pur niwlek ew hei a-ûgh an mor ha'n treth. Ew hedna niwl emesk an gwedh ewedh? Nag ew. Ma moges ow tos dhort chei. My ell gweles an môg saw na ellama gweles an chei. Ma sawar a vôg e'n ayr. Ma flourys e'n lowarth bes nag eus flourys wheg aga sawar. Saw martesen gwenenen vlewek alja clowes neb tra. "Pandr'esta ow cül?" emedh ow gour. "Therama saya kemeres foto a wenenen," emedham. "Re üskis ew hei." Ma dew diek en ogas. An eyl ew mager ha y gila ew tiek aradow. Thera son a dew jynn-tedna. Thera an mager ow spredya mon en gwel a-dâl. Nag o wheg y sawar. An tiek aral a wrüg aras y wel cawlvleujyow. Nag o pur wheg y sawar naneyl. Yesterday the weather was lovely and I could see the sea in the distance but today the sun doe...

2020 Day 83

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Trei De Lün, tryja warn ügens mis Meurh Monday, 23rd March Mettin spladn o. Divünys veu vy gen lev colobmen coos war an glesin. Na wra debry ow flourys! Thera vy whath en omdhiberthva gans ow gour ha bestes. Na ellama gweles ow theylû.  Soweth!  De a veu Dedh Damyow bes na veu dhebm na flourys na cartednow. E'n gwelha pres anjei a fônyas. Bes ma flourys dhebm et ow lowarth. Ma bleujyow ow tos solabres war an spern dû ha ma lies briallen (ha del guckous). Re a-varr ew rag an spern gwydn - an buddys ew pur vian - ma môy kewny war an branchys. Re bell ew an treth - na ellama mos, bes my ell gweles an mor e'n pelder. It was a bright morning. I was awoken by the voice of a wood pigeon on the lawn. Don't eat my flowers! I am still in self isolation with my husband and animals. I cannot see my family. What a pity! Yesterday was Mothers' Day and  I had neither flowers nor cards. Fortunately they phoned. But I have flowers in my garden. Bl...

2020 Day 82

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Dew  De Sül, nessa warn ügens mis Meurh Sunday, 22nd March Diberthys o vy dhort tüs erel. Therama o qwitha ow  felder. Üjy tüs erel ow cül an keth tra? Ellowgh whei gweles neb tra vian ha rüdh dres an gwedh, en ebòrn? Üdn askell ew gen person en dadn, ow neyja gen jynn bian. Pur dhiberthys ew ev dhort tüs erel! Hedna ew an ûhelder a dhiberthva! Nag eus nagonan ena a-ûgh  ganjo. Gen ombellheans sôcyal res ew dhen didhana agan honan, bos awenüs. Ottòbma lever ha lever termyn fitty gen lies tybyans. Venja whei cows gen nebonan? Ma'n Gwias ha kesrosweyth fôn. Ma kescowethyans dhebm - ow gour, diw gath ha diw logojen vrâs. Na wor an logas clappya Sowsnek veth, etho my a ell clappya ganjans en Kernôwek. Era vy ow sowndya müscok? My a vedh lacka ken diwedh dewdhek seythen. Thera vy ow tevy plansow nowydh. Ken pell my a wra cows ganjans. Ass ew marthys an plansow. Otta plans hatt Mexican. Ma babiow war vinyow an del. I am separated from ...

2020 Day 81

2020 Dedh Pajar Ügens ha Wonan   De Sadorn, kensa warn ügens mis Meurh Saturday, 21st March Ma'n gwens e'n est, bes pe le ma Mary Poppins? Pur yeyn ew an gewer hedhyw - pecar'a gwav. Na wrüga vy gwil traveth hedhyw. My a viras dres taclow coth war ow jynn-amontya ha trouvya nebes pictours - lymnansow rag lever.  Nag ewa scrifys genam whath! Ma maw bian ha môs vian, ha ma meyny dhodhans. Ma bestes chei dhodhans ha mowns ow qwary gen aga gwaryellow. Da ew ganjans debry hag eva ha mowns ow codha en myschew. An gis ew maga a Japan, gen lagajow brâs. Ma whans dhebm chanjya radn an geryow. Ma fowt dhodho a whedhel vas ewedh The wind is in the east, but where is Mary Poppins? The weather today is very cold - like winter. I didn't do anything today. I looked through old stuff on my computer and found some pictures - illustrations for a book. I haven't written it yet! There's a little boy and a little girl, and they have a family. They have pets and they play w...

2020 Day 79

2020 Dedh Trei Ügens ha Nawnjek De Yow, nawnjegves mis Meurh Thursday, 19th March "Na ellesta mos dhe'n shoppas," emèdh ow mergh. "My alja perna taclow rages." "Da via genam cawas nebes mor po grappys," mèdham. Morednow po grappys - na wrüga vy qwachas an dhew. Hei a bernas üdn gisten vrâs a vor cala (dhort Spayn) hag onan môy a rappys. "Da via genam cawas lattis ha tabm salat," mèdham. Hei a bernas dew lattis ha sagh a dhelkyow spinach, keffres ha tomatys, dew goucòmber, whegh pübryn ha kegisen wheg. "Eus whans dhis a dettys?" hei a vednas. "Mar pleg," my a worrebas. Hei a dhros tettys, tettys wheg, panes ha caretys. "Ma fowt dhen a gavach." Otta magdulans gwenton ha broccoli! Na wra nei famya. "You can't go to the shops," said my daughter. "I could buy things for you." "I should like to have some berries or grapes,"I said. Berries or grapes - I didn't expect both. ...