
Showing posts from July, 2024

2024 Day 213

2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Terdhek De Merher, üdnegves warn ügens mis Gorefen Wednesday, 31st July caletter jynn amontya! E'n gwelha pres, hedna a veu cott termyn. My a drouvyas jynn amontya coth. Nag ewa pur dha, saw my ell y usya rag an termyn. Nag eus gerlever etto, rag hedna na ellama checkya ger nowydh veth. Res ew dhebm gwil gerlever nowydh et ow jynn amontya coth. Nag eus deg ger rag hedhyw, ha nag eus fotos nowydh veth. computer problem! Fortunately, that was short-term. I found an old computer. It's not very good, but I can use it for the moment. There's no dictionary in it, therefore I can't check a single new word. I must make a new dictionary in my old computer. There aren't ten words for today, and there are no new photos.

2024 Day 212

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dewdhek De Meurth, degves warn ügens mis Gorefen Tuesday, 30th July Nanj ew cans bledhen, Paris a veu  ôst a n Gwariow Olympyk 1924, wòja An Gwerryans Brâs. Gwary ew gwell avel gwerrya; plen an gwary ew gwell avel gwel battel (caslan) po corlan. Gero nei cuntel warbarth tüs yonk dhort oll an nacyons dadn üdn to, en tre ollvesek. Anjei oll alja bos cowethek. Hedna veu an tybyans, etho anjei a dherevas tre a bredn - lies crowjy rag an athletys ha'n coscor anjei. Na veu an dre yntendys dhe dhürya. Wòja an Gwariow an crowjiow a veu diswres. Ma'n keth cowethyans en 2024, bes an dre ew deffrans; derevys rag an termyn a vedn dos ew an dre. A hundred years ago, Paris was the host of the 1924 Olympic Games, after The Great War. Playing is better than waging war; a playing place is better than a battlefield or cemetery. Let us gather together young people from all the nations under one roof, in a global village. They could all be sociable.  That was the idea, so t

2024 Day 211

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans hag Üdnek De Lün, nawes warn ügens mis Gorefen Monday, 29th July En kesstrivyansow ma puppres gwaynyoryon (po gwaynyoresow) ha'n remenat, an r'erol. Herwedh ûsadow e vedh powas rag an campyer. E'n Gwariow Olympyk ma medal owr rag an campyer, ha ma medals arhans ha brons rag an nessa ha tryja plasow. An strivoryon ha strivoresow a sav war arethva rag receva aga medals. An medals Paris ew teg, ha ma temmik a'n Tour Eiffel ettans.   In competitions there are always winners and the rest, the others. Usually there will be a prize for the champion. In the Olympic Games there is a gold medal for the champion, and there are silver and bronze medals for the second and third places. The successful competitors stand on a podium to receive their medals. The Paris medals are beautiful, and they have fragment of the Eiffel Tower in them. Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today campyer  (m)  champion gwaynyoryon  winners <  gwaynyer  (m) >  gwaynyores  (f) &

2024 Day 210

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Deg De Sül, ethves warn ügens mis Gorefen Sunday, 28th July  Ma pemp kelgh junyes e'n arwòdh Gwayans Olympyk, rag an pemp brâstir orijinal (e'n vledhen mil naw cans ha terdhek). An re na a veu Afryca, Europ, Asy, Oceania ( Âwstralia ha Zelond Nowydh warbarth) hag America (Noor ha Soth avel üdn brâstir). An liwyow ew blou (e'n barh cledh), melyn, dû, gwer ha rüdh (e'n barh dyhow). An re ma ew liwyow kevys en baners an bes oll. An kelhow ew a'n keth mens, drefen nag ew üdn brâstir moy a bris avel an r'erol. Blou, dû ha rüdh ew ûhelha, melyn ha gwer ew iselha. Martesen whei a welas an pemp kelgh ow rolya en strêtys Paris a-hes. Fatel aljens gwaya? Era an re na gwariers cyrcus war dopp owth aga gwaya war droos?    There are five joined rings in the Olympic Movement symbol, for the original five continents (in the year 1913). Those were Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania (Australia and New Zealand together) and America (North and South as one conti

2024 Day 209

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Naw De Sadorn, seythves warn ügens mis Gorefen Saturday, 27th July An Gwariow Olympyk 2024 a dhallathas de, gen ceremony egeryans e'n strêtys Paris gleb, ha nebes sportys bian. Ma'n Gwariow ow trei warbarth athletys hag athletesow an norves  en kesstrif cowethek. Lavar an Gwariow en Latyn en kensa a veu "Citius, Altius, Fortius". Henn ew üskissa (po scaffa), ûhelha, creffa. Nanj ew teyr bledhen an Kessedhek Olympyk Keswlasek a addyas ger pelha - "Communiter", henn ew "warbarth". The 2024 Olympic Games began yesterday, with an opening ceremony in the wet streets of Paris, and several minor sports. The Games bring together athletes of the world in friendly competition.  The Games motto in Latin at first was "Citius, Altius, Fortius". That is "faster, higher, stronger". Three years ago the International Olympic Committee added an extra word - "Communiter", i.e. "together". Deg ger rag hed

2024 Day 208

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans hag Eth De Gwener, wheffes warn ügens mis Gorefen Friday, 26th July Ma dhebm dilhas dres othom. Ma cledhrednow ha lies trog-tedna a  hevejyow,  powsyow, crysyow, cryspowsyow, gwlânegow, jerkyns, côtys hir ha berr, ow còrtos oll dhe vos ornys. Radn anodhans ew mens cabm. My a res kemeres lies anodhans dhe'n shoppa   alüsenek - ma lies anodhans. Na aljama bew hir lowr rag aga degy oll. I have superfluous clothes. There are rails and many drawers of shirts, dresses, blouses, waistcoats, wooly jumpers, jerkins, long and short coats, all waiting to be sorted. Some of them are a wrong size. I must take many of them to a charity shop - there are many of them. I couldn't live long enough to wear them all! Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today cledhrednow  rails <  cledhren  (f) crysyow  blouses, shirts <   crys  (m) cryspowsyow  waistcoats, bodices <  cryspows  (f) dres othom  superfluous, beyond need gwlânegow  jumpers, etc.  <  gwlânek  (m) <  gw

2024 Day 207

  2024  Dedh Dew Cans ha Seyth De Yow, pempes warn ügens mis Gorefen Thursday, 25th July Da ew genam cawas gwel. Pandr'ello whei gweles der agas beistry? Der an veister e'n gegin (ha der an veister et ow s ò dhva) pub dedh my a wel ke. Ma bonegow etto, heckamolas - gòlvadnas hag edhyn erel. Ma gwelva e'n lowarth ûhelha. Alena my ell gweles pelha avel oll an keow - dhe'n gwelyow po an mor. Nag eus lies chei dhe vos gwelys. Hedhyw nei a viras orth chei en Truru. Ma dhe hedna gwel a bastellow tir kevradnys ha'n cita.  I like to have a view. What can you see from your windows? Through the window in the kitchen (and through the window in my office) every day I see a hedge. There are  little brown birds in it, dickybirds - sparrows and other birds. There's a viewpoint in the upper garden. From there I can see beyond all the hedges - to the fields or the sea. There aren't many houses to be seen. Today we looked at a house in Truro. That one has a view of allotments

2024 Day 206

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Whegh   De Merher, pajwora warn ügens mis Gorefen Wednesday, 24th July Maynor estât a dheuth de ha kemeres nebes fotos a 'gan lowarth brâs. Ev a wra gwertha agan chei raga nei, ma esperans dhebm. Ma othom dhen a nebonan rych,   pòrres y whans  a jei coth gen lowarth brâs, üskis.  Yahüs ew, ma ayr er lowr - oxyjen gwres gen gwedh plenteth. Nei a wel an gwelyow oll adro. (Anjei ell bos  môwsek   üdn jedh a'n vledhen - spredya bousel!) E'n pelder ma'n clubb golf, ha'n mor. Avorow nei a vedn mos dhe'n cita dhe vires ort chei bian ha lowarth bian. An estate agent came yesterday and took some photos of our large garden. He's going to sell our house for us, I hope. We need somebody rich, with an urgent desire for an old house with a large garden, quickly. It's healthy, there's enough fresh air - oxygen made by plenty of trees. We see the fields all around. (They can be smelly on one day of the year -muck spreading.) In the distance i

2024 Day 205

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pemp De Meurth, tryja warn ügens mis Gorefen Tuesday, 23rd July Whath thew an mor tewal, bes ma hòbadòlya a liwyow et ow lowarth. Na ellama henwel oll an plansow ha bleujow. Re venowgh nag o vy s ü r ha my a's cabm-henwel. My ell ajon an üdnek rosen rüdh. Nag ew agan gweras da genjy - e dal bos moy es üdn rosen. Ma liw rüdh ow tos en morednow, avalow, hag erel. Still the sea is dark, but there is a riot of colours in my garden. I can't name all the plants and flowers. Too often I'm not sure and I misname them. I can recognize the single red rose. It doesn't like our soil - there should be more than one rose. There is red colour coming in berries, apples, etc. Deg ger rag hedhyw  Ten words for today ajon  to recognize  (SWFM  aswon ) cabm-henwel  to misname gweras  (m)  soil hag erel  and others, et cetera henwel  to name hòbadòlya  (m)  riot, uproar, commotion, etc. menowgh  often >  re venowgh  too often morednow  berries <  moren  (f) <

2024 Day 204

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Pajar De Lün, nessa warn ügens mis Gorefen Monday, 22nd July Comolek ew hei hedhyw. Thew an ebòrn gorherys. Disliw ew an ebòrn ha'n mor, maga loos avel  lüjiw. Hav a dal bos leun a liw. E'n gwelha pres, ma flourys spladn et agan lowarthow ha'n keow. Nag eus lagas e'n ebòrn bes ma lagas codhys et ow lowarth. Da ew genam ow bush hydrangea brâs - my a'n gònas dhort trogh bian (nanj ew nebes bledhydnyow). My a res kemeres trogh nowydh rag chei nowydh. Ma Montbretia (Whednen Kernow) ow tevy avel whenn heb gweres.   It's cloudy today. The sky is overcast. The sky and the sea are faded, as grey as ashes. Summer should be colourful. Fortunately, there are bright flowers in our gardens and the hedges. There's no patch of blue in the sky but a patch of blue sky has fallen in my garden. I like my big hydrangea bush - I grew it from a little cutting (several years ago). I must take a new cutting for a new house. Montbretia (the Cornish Weed) grow

2024 Day 203

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Trei De Sül, kensa warn ügens mis Gorefen Sunday, 21st July A veu whei genys en hav, e'n mis ma? My a veu genys en gwav, en termyn bell (Nessa Bresel an Norves). Pub bledhen ma genam pedn bloodh en kewer dhrog. Arwòdh an Zodiak vy a dal bos puskes rewys!  Martesen ma dhewgh pedn bloodh en kewer deg. Ma sin An Crang (po An Canker) ow tiwedha  hedhyw ha ma sin An Lew ow tallath avorow. Trovadnek lowr! Saw nag ew hei teg hedhyw - loos ew an ebòrn ha'n mor kekeffres. An cloudys ew a-ûgh an jynn ebòrn bian. Nag ew an fotos pur dha! Were you born in summer, in this month? I was born in winter, in wartime (Second World War). Every year I have a birthday in bad weather. My Zodiac sign should be frozen fish! Perhaps you have a birthday in beautiful weather. Cancer (the sign of the crab) ends today, and Leo (the sign of the lion) begins tomorrow. Quite tropical! But it's not beautiful today - the sky is grey and so (likewise) is the sea. The clouds are above t

2024 Day 202

  2024 Dedh Dew Cans ha Dew De Sadorn, ügensves mis Gorefen Saturday, 20th July Lôwen o vy hedhyw. Bern brâs a  hôrn coth rag dasûsya   ew gellys. Whath ma meur a whel dhe wil rag orna ha glanhe an lowarth. Kernow ew drog gerys rag kewer lawek. An ayr ogas dhe'n mor ell bos holanek lowr ewedh, rag hedna hôrn ell gosseny en üskis. Trampolin agan flehes wydn a dreylyas gossednek ha nag o va saw na velha. Res veu dhe'n slynk y din coth mos ewedh. Den wheg, Dan Hall a Redrüdh, a dheuth gen vann gwydn ha kemeres an taclow dhe ves.   I'm happy today. A big heap of scrap iron for recycling is gone. There's still a lot of work to do to organise and clean up the garden. Cornwall is notorious for rainy weather. The air near the sea can be quite salty too, therefore iron can rust quickly. Our grandchildren's trampoline became rusty and it wasn't safe any more. The old slide had to go too. A nice man, Dan Hall of Redruth, came with a white van and took the things away. Deg