Day Eleven

An Üdnegves Dedh

An dewdhegves a vis Genver. Ma seyth dedh en seythen. Pandr’ew an kensa dedh an seythen? Üjy va de Lün po de Sül? De Gwener ew hedhyw. Hebma ew an diwettha dedh an seythen obery (rag lies person).
12th January. There are seven days in a week. What is the first day of the week? Is it Monday or Sunday? Friday is the last day of the working week (for many people).
Me a varhasnas de, saw hedhyw nag era vy o moas mes. Ma anòs ha pas genam. Therama o còrtos tre ha debry lies lozanj pas!
I went shopping yesterday, but today I am not going out. I have a cold and a cough. I’m staying in and eating lots of cough sweets!
E’n kydnyadh me a guntellas lies aval. Thens fittyes lebmyn ha gwithys en stifer. Scon, me a vedn gwil crampòthen avalow rag o gour.

In the autumn I picked lots of apples. They are prepared and stored in the freezer. Soon, I will make an apple pie for my husband.


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