Day One

An Kensa Dedh

Eus gwres geno whei (genowgh) determyanjow bledhen nowydh?
Have you made new year’s resolutions? 
Üdn dhetermyans a dalvia boas ûsya Kernôwek y, pub dedh.
One resolution should be to use more Cornish, every day.
Me o hònan?  Me a ombromysyas dhe scrifa nebes geryow pub dedh. 
Myself? I promised myself to write some words every day. 
A veddo whei redya anjei? 
Will you read them?
Hedhyw thew de Meurth, an second dedh a vis Genver.
Today is Tuesday, the second day of (the month of) January.
Nag ew dedh posek rag radn vrassa a düs.
It is not an important day for a majority of people.
Passyes ew Nadelik ha Calan Genver.
Christmas and New Year’s Day are over.
Termyn ew rag obery arta.
It’s time for working again. 
Fatel o an gewer hedhyw? Gleb ha gwenjek. 
How was the weather today? Wet and windy. 


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