Day Forty-nine

An Dogensves Dedh ha Naw

De Lün ew, an nawnjegves dedh a vis Whevrel. Dedh morethek o, saw nag o an gewer yeyn - da lowr rag gonis e’n lôwarth arta. Me alja clowes an mor en peldar. Ma splatt broas, overdevys gen dreys, reden ha linas. Thera odhom dhe nei a worra dhe ves oll aga gwredh. Ma bambous dhe voas gorrys dhe ves ewedh. Mowns o tevy dres agan or dhort lôwarth agan kentrevoges.
It’s Monday, the nineteenth day of February. It was a gloomy day, but the weather was not cold – good enough for working in the garden again. I could hear the sea in the distance. There is a large patch of land, overgrown with brambles, bracken and stinging nettles. We needed to get rid of all their roots. There are bamboos to be removed as well. They grow across our border from our neighbour’s garden.

En gwella pres, nag ew an dedhyow pur hir ha me alja moas a-jei pemp ar glogh. Tydn o vy ha gwanys gen gwibes – ha ma fowt dhebm a wül bath hir ha tòbm. Ma clowys genam dew oula hanath – “too-wit” amèdh an eyl ha “woo-woo” a worebas y gila.  
Fortunately, the days are not very long and I could go indoors at five o’clock. I am stiff and bitten by gnats - and I want to take a long hot bath. I have heard two owls this evening – one said “toowit” and the other answered “woowoo”.


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