Day Seventy-four

An Peswardhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens

De Gwener ew, an whetegves dedh a vis Meurth. Nag era na glaw na ergh naneyl hedhyw saw thera keser, keserednow broas lowr. Anjei a wras tros war an to ha war an trulergh. Herwydh an dhargan awel ma’n Best dhort an Est o toas. Hedn ew gwens crev ha pur yeyn dhort Siberia ha Scandinavia. Martesen na vedh ergh avorow, bes nei a wra omglowes pur yeyn. Pecar’a gwenton o hei de – gwav a wra dewheles dres an pedn seythen.
It’s Friday, the 16th day of March. There was neither rain nor snow today but there was hail, quite big hail-stones. They made a loud noise on the roof and on the footpath. According to the weather forecast the Beast from the East is coming. That is a strong, very cold wind from Siberia and Scandinavia. Perhaps there will not be snow tomorrow, but we will feel very cold. It was like spring yesterday - winter will return during the weekend.


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