Day Seventy-three

An Terdhegves Dedh ha Trei ügens

De Yow ew, an pemdhegves dedh a vis Meurth. Thera meur a law dres nos. Ma liw aves dhe’n chei ha prei e’n vownder. Ha me o moas war nans dhe’n dre me a veras lies gwelen ha menow adres dhe’n vorr – golhys war woles gans an hager gawas. E’n mettin thera gwens crev saw nag era glaw moy.
It’s Thursday, the 15th day of March. There was lots of rain overnight. There’s a flood outside the house and mud in the lane. As I was going downhill to the village I saw many sticks and stones across the road – washed down by the downpour. In the morning there was a strong wind but there was no more rain.


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